To Be Sneakier Than We Thought PT. 2

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Also anyone confused about the title, I suggest you put Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 together to understand.


'This is going to be fun...'

Let me rephrase what I said earlier: This is NOT fun.

"Eli!" I cried as he got shot down by 3 dodge balls at the same time. He was lying down, sprawled across the gymnasium floor covered head to toe in bruses. I honestly felt pity over the poor boy as Gareth, Jim and I were dodging everything thrown at us... Elegantly. (a word not often used to describe a troll hunger, a dragon hunter and a shape-shifting boy.)

"Enough Steve! We've been doing this same song and dance for half and hour now, just give up!" Jim shouted as he rolled out of the way of a ball.
"Never!" Steve retaliated as he threw a ball aimed at me, only to have me side step lamely and knock one of his goons out.
"UUGGGHH!" He screamed as Snow/Gareth flipped away from two incoming dodge balls.
That lesson was war, as we all thew everything we had at one another. Our team won of course! But we were goddamn tired. Its annoying spending all of your stamina on lame half-assed dodges. (we couldn't begin flying around or pulling out swords because we still have a small slither of common sense.)

We were all standing out side of the now empty school with the sun setting beneath the horizon, bathing Arcadia in a beautiful spectrum of fluffy pink clouds and soft shades of orange and red.
"Good job guys!" Toby cheered as he fist pumped Jim and high-fived snow-Gareth and I. Smiling I turned to Eli who had his shoulders hunched and a far away look in his eyes. And are his glasses glowing....? Nah, it's probably just a trick of the light!
"You ok? You took quite a beating back there." Snow questioned Eli as he seemed to snap out of it and smile unsurely at us.
"You should train more with us." Jim offered as I nodded and glanced back at Toby.
"Os should you Toby! We'll be epic!" I suggested as I began to dance around on the spot from excitement. Snow and Jim smiled as Snow contributed to our suggestions:
"And if we get Reyna we would have two Guardian's, two shape-shifters, two increadibly smart warriors and 4 Supernatural beings! We would have a mini army!" Everyone but Eli lit up at this thought.
"Awesome sauce!" Toby squealed as he and Jim broke off into a separate conversation.

I opened my mouth to talk to Eli but stopped as I thought I saw a shadow move. Tensing I put my hand over my amulet in my pocket. My amulet was my best weapon as I decided only to use my avatar for traveling and bigger opponents.

"Guys somethings up, I Need to talk to you. Its important." Snow began behind me as I shifted a bit and took a step forward, closer to the shifting shadow; the sky was now steadily getting closer to a dark blue.

"There is a traitor who has been released from his captivity by an unknown creature: His name is Uragirimono. Who was sentenced to a EXILE for trying to kill those who looked down on him and his father."

The closer I got the more I saw a shape of a creature, my vision was obscured because of the lighting but, I had no doubt that my eyes would soon adjust to the darkness.

"The thing is, he couldn't have escaped by himself; he had an accomplise who had inside information to Troll markets documents."

My eyes widened.

I tired to make a sound, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't open my mouth.
My ears where ringing and I felt frozen.
Staring at me from the shadows was a tall figure with what seemed to be demonic features. The eyes that stared back at me where an innocent blue Dusted with green and the other was a hypnotic purple and blue swirl. I couldn't make out the rest of their features as it backed away with what seemed to be a knowing smile.

Jim Lake x Reader  Once Upon A Coma + One Shots Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora