The Trollhunter that cried flying troll

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How I ended up in a situation like this is beyond me. I mean, one minute your racing against your two new friends having one hell of a good time, the next; your getting knocked out of the sky by a freakin' flying troll.

Now I'm all for attacking dragons and shapeshifters that are actually really awesome people. But a flying Troll?! ( fun fact, I just wrote: but a flying Dragon?! XD) is way to much for me.

Also Hi! I'm (Y/n) and this is the moment in my life we're I would have to either fight side by side with my shapeshifter friends, or save the life of the person who had stole my heart, before breaking it again...

Your P.O.V

"  Hey Reina Bet you can't beat Sonw and I in a Race!" I smirked as I leaned against a crystal that was pulsing red and green in the gentle melodious breeze. My hair was swaying, whining with the golden light that was being reflected across the cloudy dunes of Gemstone city.

Recently Snow had introduced me to a very curious individual, her name was Raina Rose. And all I could say was that Jim wouldn't know what hit him if he wanted to fight me, because I had the most allies and at the moment the least problems.

As for Jim and I, since we last spoke/ fought we've been keeping to ourselves and I've been having trouble using my armour and trying to fight with Lunar. He's a selfish brat, who can't see that we need to work together. He's just jello of Snow . *sigh* Whatever I don't care anymore.

Raina snapped me out it of my thoughts as she brushed her dark blue hair that was peppered with silver streaks behind her ears. "Your kidding right? I'd love to race you both!" She exclaimed as her brown and golden eyes lit up with a spark of happiness. Her hair reached her hips and she was indeed taller than me.

"Ok then, the rules are: we fly using our avatars and that there are no rules?" I asked rather than stated. I stiffened a little as Snow placed a frosty hand on My shoulder. 

"We'll fly over to the Troll bridge as we do need to go and talk to Blinky about your amulet, don't we (Y/n)?" I sighed but nodded as I smiled at Snow and made a run and jump, off the platform of clouds.


Within moments of crashing into the ground I extended my wings and scored up to where Snow Gareth and Raina Rose we're now standing in their shape shifted forms. Gareth looked awesome with his Amber eyes glowing against his Silver and white scales. 

Reina had turned into a blue dragon with fully golden eyes. Her silver scales where covered by a leather tunic that was woven into battle armour. I myself had a Golden scarf wrapped around my  neck in order for me to tell which way the wind was blowing (I honestly don't know guys)

"Ready?" Raina growled -dragon language-

"3" I stood ready.

"2" I spread my wings.

"1" I began to move.

"Go!" I was up in the air.


I will never be able to describe what this feeling truly was , but amazing cut pretty close. The wind rushed by along with a blur of colour and clouds. Beside me was Reina performing amazing tricks and twirls, and in front of me was Snow who was making intricate patterns in the clouds. 

I sighed and decided to mess a little with the water beneath my claws. I quickly did a messy barrel roll and spiralled down to the shimmering water. And with a glee smile on my face I sped across the waters surface, successfully soaking Reina who was getting to close to the water.

"(Y/n)! You cheeky minx!" Rose roared as I chuckled. (Que Toothless sound. As Reina and I messed about with the water a distressed roar and a colum of silver fire caught our attention.


Flapping my wings I flew over to where a charcole troll with wings Faught against Snow, the patters across its skin and no scales gave it away. But it was flying in the sunlight.

(You know you done freaking goofed when you see something like that, or your crazy)

"SNOW!" I screamed as the troll knocked him out of the sky, it was as thought everything stopped in time. I was frozen as Reina quickly dived down and saved him from smacking against the water.

As my heart began beating again, I felt anger over take my body. My eyes turned into narrow slits, and my scales began glowing a dangerous red, instead of their steady purple. Oh, this son of a gun, was going downtown to the fiery pits of hell.

I raced across the sky breathing fire at the troll, only for it to be avaided. The troll spun out of The way and rammed into me, knocking the air out of my lungs (like popping a balloon) and in my fit of pain, the troll ripped one of my wings to shreads.

I screamed and began spiralling down to the ground, with my arm tight in my grip, and if any of you have forgotten you tend to loose a lot of blood when your plummeting like a log down onto a concrete road.

I had began to close my eyes, as a pair of claws caught me and Gently placed me on the ground in front of troll market. The only problem being that the Troll-thing has landed in front of the entrance and to put it shortly - it looked pissed.It's patterned skin was laced with the claw marks and burns that Snow and I had inflicted on him.  I felt sick and weak, and my body was aching to go to sleep.

I opened my eyes slowly with my head pounding and my ears ringing as I watched Reina stalk towards the Troll who seamed to be laughing. My eye were slowly closing as I fought to keep them open. Throughout the mess of shouts and Roars I vaguely remember Snow leaning over me with blood dripping from his stomach, his perfect hair and intelligent eyes messy and wild, with fear. My arm wa stinging and my blood was now mixing with a black fluid.

I thought I heard something resembling Jim Lake's voice and a blinding light of flashing blue. I had no idea what was going on as a flash of black rushed past us hitting my head with its tale and finally securing my ticket away from the burning pain in my arm...


Wiggidy, wiggidy wassup everyone?

After yesterday's announcement I had an epiphany after reading all of the lovely positive comments everybody was posting. Now I know how this must look, I mean yesterday I posted something saying that I was going to put the book in hiatus and all of that rubbish.

But I did learn an important lesson, that my inspiration doesn't come from the books or the series, but from you guys. And I know, I know, yes I'm an idiot, for the last chapter. Because I honestly love this book, and I love all of you guys.

And I now know that I don't want to loose you guys or this book. So yeah, the updates might be shit, the story will go who knows where, and I might still be the same old annoying, lazy, author but hey! It's all I've got to offer to you guys.

And I was thinking if a cover competition! You know to celebrate 6k! 

You all know how I work with competitions by now right? I pick a favourite and show case all of the others in different chapters!

So if you guys do wanna participate, email me the covers at:


No capital letters and no spam plz. I love all of you guys and I'm probably one of the most confusing and bi-polar authors you'll ever know.


Wiggidy, wiggidy over and out, chaw!!

-Blue 💓 

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