C h a p t e r t h i r t y - t h r e e

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Saiges pov

Finn said yes to come and present himself and I was stoked he was coming. He sat their in his suit. He looked cute .. wait no! What! He sat their and that's end of story. He gave me a nod as he sat in the stadium. I ignored him but kept watch on him.

"Finn wolfhard" my lawyer went on.... after he said his promises. "Yes" he answered. "You were friends with Saige for how long now?" She Asked. "Ummm.... the day I moved in a couple of months" he answered. "Do you feel like your close to her to this very day?" She asked and he looked over to me "Yeah I feel like I met the real her and I know her completely" he said. "Did you'll two have a special relationship?" She asked. "No not at all but we did kiss a couple of times" he answered and so far he was honest. "Did any if these kisses mean anything to you?" My lawyer asked. I listened carefully "Yeah it did" he said and that's all he said! Clarify!

"Did you witness any of these violent attacks?" She asked

"Yeah maybe 3 I didn't see clearly though but I knew she was in need" he said.

What did he mean he didn't see clearly! "Not clearly?" She asked.
"Yeah I mean she was disturbed I could tell and I didn't know she was being abused until I heard things breaking" Finn said.

"Do you still like her Mr. Wolfhard?" My lawyer asked. He looked over at me and I could see that old Finn but he closed his eyes "the kiss meant something to me before but not now.... ummm no I don't like her as a friend or more than that" Finn admitted and I suddenly felt hurt.

"What would you call yourself to her?"

He chuckled "just 2 messed up strangers talking" he said and looked over at me licking his lips. A small grin plastered on me.

"No more questions your honor"

The opposition asked many questions until they run ya down with this "Did she blackmail you into doing this?"

"No... but she did offer me anything if I said her side if the story" he said and we knew we were done. I regret every fucking word I said to that boy.

It hurt.... bad and I know We didn't do well that day. I'm gonna lose....

<<time passed>>

Well we lost the case but I get to move out and have back my respectful money and they will have to pay back every cent that they used and owe me. I can move away but... I don't want to. I got a call from Sophia and she said that she was coming over to my hotel meaning coming over she's bringing the guys over to spend the weekend there. "Finn is not coming right?" I asked. "I don't know... maybe it's better if he comes. You'll can make up" said Sophia.
"He ruined the case! How am I supposed-"
"Listen... Finn is mad when he is mad and he has a reason. Maybe hear him out and then kick him out" she said and I hung up on her. Hear him out? That sounds like a bad idea.
The guys come over and I hug each and everyone of them and they apologized about not winning the case. The boys were getting their keys and I stood there in front of Finn. "Hey" he greeted. I smiled. "Still ignoring me is it? Once have a plan stick to it.... that's you" he chuckled. He was right I had plans about killing myself and I still plan on it. "We still on bad terms?" He asked. I got out my phone and got on 'notes' I write...

'Still... I hate you but Sophia said I should just forget it'

He looked up at me
"You know this group can't be separated no matter how much we hate each other" Said Finn.

'I can leave...'

"Yeah you were never in Remember?" Finn said. I huffed and flipped him off. They all got their own rooms except for Jaeden and Sophia. They were next to my room. Jack and chosen were next to my room and across me was Wyatt. The rest of them were close. Someone knocked on my room door and I opened the door half asleep. "What?" I groaned.

"Join us in the pool" Said Jack enthusiastically.
I shook my head "no..." I said about to close my door but then he held on. "Saige please! I liked you when we met! Don't let me change my opinion" Jack whined. I rubbed my eyes "honestly I don't give a fuck what you think of me but I will come down because I admire you.... I won't jump in the pool" I warned. Jack gave me a high five and left. I got into my white tee with black shorts.
I came walking down and there was no one there except for the guys and Sophia. "Did the apocalypse finally happen?" I asked and everyone laughed. "No! We just booked a private time cause we don't wanna be bothered" said Chosen. I nodded understandingly. I sat on the bench and watched them have fun. "Why are you so broken? You should have fun! You lost your case but you got what you wanted" said Sophia seated next to me. "I feel sucky and I dunno why... I just don't know what I want I guess" I said and then laughed listening to myself. Jack got out of the pool "get in the pool Saige!" Yelled Jack. I backed away from Jack "no way your wet!" I yelled and everyone was laughing. Jack raises his eyebrows "ew not like that!" I realized why people were laughing at us. "Please I have a white-" before I could finish Jack pushed me in the water. With my clothes still on. " tee shirt" I finished. My black bra could be seen. I tried to cover myself but then Sophia said that bras are practically bikinis. I laughed " get me a towel! Or I might flash" I said. The boys took all the towels away "we are not judging you Saige" said Wyatt. I raised my eyebrows "I'm not scared of that I just- never mind brace yourselves boys!" I said and removed my tee shirt and I could see everyone just blushing. I ignored it and tried not to put them in a situation. I looked over at Finn and he was bright red. Wyatt, Chosen, Jaeden decides to do laps and I joined in. I felt I kicked someone and I stopped knowing it was Finn and I didn't look up at him but I just hugged him. No strings attached.... maybe. I slowly naught my head up I didn't wanna see his eyes since it says a lot I just looked at his lips and pressed mine against his...

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