C h a p t e r n i n e

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Saige Turner's pov

I was in my room and purposely got grounded by smashing things on the floor and my dad hated the way I acted so he grounded me. He didn't have time to hit me because he had to go somewhere with Kelly and my mom.

If I was not here and finn came in my room without warning he would be the one on the floor dead. (Jk)

I was listening to 'delicate' by Taylor swift. (Ya'll can play it now)
I'm more into rock and pop. There's a mood I have.

When there's music I feel like I have someone with me.
I was dancing along with the song. I got my comb from my night stand.

I was singing along and I could sing but I feel like if I sang in front of someone they would have an advantage to bully me.

But noone was here so I sang my heart out because it's been so long. I felt great singing and dancing along. Soon after the song Louie came up by calpurnia . I smiled to myself and sang along and used my acoustic guitar which I had abandoned in my room. I didn't know the chords for the song so pretended like I was playing it.

I do play the guitar. Yes, there is a lot of things you don't know about me yet but you will find out soon. I run my fingers through my head and mess up my hair because I didn't care of what happened or what people think of me at that moment.

I tightened my eyes shut and got really into the song. The music was not loud I was.
Suddenly I heard my window close. "I didn't mean to interrupt you" Finn said with a cheeky smile.

I ran for my ipod and my fingers trembled as I was pausing the song and I put my acoustic guitar behind me. "You're adorable" He said.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I should really lock my window" I said. "No, don't. You were dancing and singing to my bands song" He said.

"You better not mention this to anyone." I warned. "Why not? You can sing and dance. You have talent" He said. I looked at him seriously.

"Stop...... I don't have talent. I was just fooling around" I said as I was placing my guitar on the wall. It's where I keep it. "You play?" He asked me referring to the guitar. "A bit..... I stopped playing" I admitted feeling a bit guilty because I loved my guitar. It was the only thing I touched when I was 13 and now I was 15. Finn is 17. (Not his real age, his real age is 16 on December)

"You don't mind if I play it?" He asked. I faced my guitar and gripped on it tight and handed it to Finn. "By all means" I said. He smiled at me. "Angel, you realise. It's been more than 10 minutes and you are not stuttering" He said.

I realised at that moment too. "Yeah..... That's because I'm comfortable with you not others" I said. He was tuning the guitar and looked up at me. "What songs do you know?" He asked. I shrugged at him in reply. I was about to tie my hair and that's when I realised I had messy hair. I was searching for my comb.

"Still haven't answered me" Finn said chuckling a bit by how I was trying to find my comb.

"Comb.....comb" I said looking like I was about to cry. I sat on my bed keeping a bit of distance between us.

"Oh.... your looking for this?" He said holding up my comb. I tried to reach for it but I didn't want to break my guitar.

"I swear Wolfhard, if you break my guitar I'm gonna fucking kill you!" I threatened.

Finn placed my comb on top of my shelf. Which was high but for Finn's height it was an easy cake to reach.

He started playing the guitar rapidly. The kind of tune when someone is running in a folk way. A folk song. I tried to grab my chair. That's when he started to play the rapid part of 'age of consent' I got on my chair and tried to reach for my comb.

"God, my hairs a mess! I shouldn't have messed up my hair" I said as I was reaching higher. Finn placed the guitar on the wall where it belonged. My chair was rotating and backing away a bit I was about to fall till I lost my grip.

The wheels on my chair just slid and my grip was loose that's when I fell.
I fell on top of Finn. Our faces again dangerously close.

I got up as fast as I could and he mimicked me. I playfully pushed him back.

"Can I please have my comb back Finn?" I muttered under my breath.
"What was that, angel?" He asked pointing to his ear.

"Finn, please give me my comb back. Please" I said looking down.
"Okay " He said as he reached for the comb and handed it to me.

I combed my hair and tied into a ponytail. "What are you gonna teach me, Wolfhard? " I asked.

"Our session starts now, angel. Sit down and give me your hand" He said.
I gave him a confused look-

Sorry it's a long chapter so I need to break it to 2. Read the next chapter to see what he teaches

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