C h a p t e r t w e n t y - t h r e e

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Saiges POV

I came home and I heard all the lights turn on from down stairs. I turned the lights off and jumped in my bed.

Soon someone opened the door. "Saige.." A voice called out and I lied there like as if I heard nothing.

"Saige. Its just me. Your sister" she said.

"Kelly!" I whisper shouted.

"Listen up, I found you climbing up your window. What the fuck are you doing so late? If mom and dad finds out" Kelly said.

"What do you want?" I asked so we could be done with her shit.

"I want to know where have you been. Did you go out with that guy again?" She asked eagerly.

"No" I answered but she didn't believe. "I don't believe" she said.
"Then why are you asking me where the fuck I was if you do know!" I again whisper shouted.

"Fine if you are not gonna admit then daddy will be the one who's dealing with you" she said.

I didn't say anything but turned my back to her.
"Alright be like that" she said and left my room.


The next day.

I was walking with Jaeden to his home and said bye to him.

"Are you sure you don't want me dropping you home?" He asked and I nodded. If my sister knew where I was she would have killed me.

"Thanks for the offer but I got minor problems at home" I said and leaving.

I got home and Finn was there walking with Tash. I looked up at him awkwardly.

He smiled at me and then walked towards.
"Saige..." His voice trailed off.
"Yeah" I said and he looked down at his feet then up at Tash who was opening his front door.

"I gotta admit something that has been bugging me for ages and I hate the fact that I'm not admitting it and-" he got cut off.

"Finn! You coming in?!" Yelled Tash from the front door.

He looked back and put a thumbs up. He looked back at me and I smiled at him "bad timing right? I promise I'll stay out your way and Tash's" I said.

He looked a bit said and wanted go say something but didn't.
"We are having a party at my place and you'll are invited" he randomly said.

"C'mon Finn you know I can't come" I said sticking my hands down my pocket.

"I know but I had a plan. I said to bring you and you sister no matter what because there was something we needed to give" he said and I laughed.

"That's not a plan. You made that just now you douche" I said.
He laughed and motioned closer to me.

In the end kissed me holding onto my cheeks and I felt guilty kissing him back.

"What was that?" I asked

"Umm..... It was just a kiss" he answered.

"I know it was a kiss but why?" I asked.

"Just because guys can kiss you anytime and I was just getting you ready for that" he said.

I didn't believe him but I trusted his word.

"I got to go. See you" I said and he finished my sentence by saying.
"Tonight" he said.

I shrugged as a maybe and he yelled back "you will be there!" He said and I rolled my eyes at him of how much he was acting like a child.

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