C h a p t e r t h i r t y - f o u r

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Saiges pov

I pressed my lips against his and he doesn't kissed back. We set apart but then I kiss him again and he kissed back this time and I felt energetic and so free. My stomach was in a knot. We set apart and I hugged him. Everyone kept quiet as they saw only the hugging. I know that because everyone was focusing on the game and then kept quiet when they caught us hugging. I let go of Finn and go bright red and get out the pool "imma head out. Calling it a day" I said. I grabbed a towel and headed to my room. I walked into my room doing nothing just sitting and staring at nothing and then suddenly I see an image of Finn. "God I hate you" I mumbled and then he sat next to me "you love me" he said bringing his arms around me. "You can't see it?" My imaginary Finn asked. I looked at him "I'm crazy" I said. "Crazy without Finn" he said.

I sighed "when I kissed him or you— whatever. I just want to feel that all the time" I whined and covered my face with a pillow. "Ask him permission if you could be his. Maybe-"
"There is no maybe. We hate each other's guts. He killed my chance of winning. He didn't let me finish beat up my cousin"  I said.
"You love him though" imaginary Finn said.
"One second"  I ran out and kissed the first guy I thought was hot. I felt nothing.... "fuck" I mumbled to myself. I ran into my room and fell into my bed.

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