C h a p t e r t e n

242 16 0

Saige Turner's pov

I gave a confused look. "Hold your hand?" I asked as if I didn't know the meaning of what he said. "Yeah sit on that chair and hold my hand, we socialise this way" Finn explained.

I grabbed my chair and went closer towards him. I put my hands behind my back.
I didn't want to hand him my hand (get it? No. Okay I'll just be my hoser self)
He stretches out his hands and beckons me. I couldn't give him my hand because otherwise I would get that feeling of war in my body.

"C'mon it's not like I'm gonna hurt you" He joked but I looked worried and he noticed which caused him to inch closer to me. "Your my friend right? Just trust me" He said in this calming voice of his. "Your not my friend! Maybe I don't want to do this! Can we do something else" I said getting annoyed.

Finn looked down to the ground and looked back at me. "Maybe your right, you're better off yourself" He said annoyed at the fact of having this discussion million times and getting nowhere. "Maybe I'll just let myself out" He said.

He reached for the window and opened it."Finn..." my voice faltered. "Saige it's fine, I cut short on my interview to be here" He said.

I didn't know he did that. Guilt rushed over me and struck me right at the heart. The wierd feeling gushed over me again. "I like you!" I confessed. I winced at what I said but when I looked at him he stopped in what he was doing. "What?" He asked as if he couldn't believe in what I just said.

"I can't believe I'm gonna say this....... and I promised myself never to get close to you but..... I like you-" He interrupted. "You like me?" He asked in disbelief in his voice.
I widened my eyes because he has taken it the wrong way. "As a friend" I patched things up.

"Now we are friends? I should do this more often" He said. "Well, then I'm better off without you if you do this all the time" I said. "So we are friends?" He asked again.

"I guess, but we can't let anyone know. We are talking though" I said.
"Sure, now back to our session" He said seated on my bed and resumed to what we were doing before. I smiled at him and sat back down and gave him my hand. My other hand clutching and scraping my skin.

He wrapped his 2 hands around single hand. "Bit accessive don't you think" I said.
He shook his head. "No, this is how people assure one another" He said.

I was hurting inside. Finn looked at me and said. "When someone is hurting you ask about their feelings and then you assure them and comfort them and say that you'll always be there for them" He explained.

I tried to fight back the pain. Is this even possible? Being hurt just by being touched by someone who's not hurting me? I guess I was just used to being beat up.

I heard the keys that open my front door, that's when I panicked. "Jesus Christ, they are early" I spoke to myself. I looked straight at Finn. "Finn I'm sorry your going to need to do me a favor. I'm going to need you to be in my bathroom because my mom and dad is here. And if you hear something strange we like to role play at random times. Okay?" I asked not waiting for a reply.

I pushed him into my bathroom."Don't lock the door and don't show yourself to anyone" I commanded.

He nodded in reply and kept quiet. That's when my dad bolted through my door.

"Should not have done that! Your sister is upset now!" He said.

I cringed at the thought my sister was upset because why would she be sad she is a spoilt brat who gets everything and everyone.

"I just broke a vase by accident and maybe some personal and hurtful things to Kelly. With all fairness I thought she was being a bit of a bitch too" I defended myself realising late that there was no point.

He ran after me. And my reflexes made me kick him in the shin.
I grabbed my lamp that was set on my nightstand. My breath hitched ready for his next move.

He gave me a threatening look. My face felt hot and ready to cry out.
He was walking towards me and gripping my neck and didn't squeeze but threatened me.

"Mistreat me again you know where you'll land" He said.
My head nodded and turned pink.

He let his grip loosen. And I reached for my throat feeling the airway of my throat hitching.

I coughed and coughed till it got worse. I opened the bathroom door and spat some blood. I cleaned myself up.

I turned around and found Finn looking at me in awe. "What was that?" He asked.

"Roleplay" I answered.
"That made you cough of out blood? That's what you call Roleplay? " Finn asked in disbelief.

I didn't want that right now, I didn't want his sympathy. I hated the 'thought' of people saying they feel sorry for me because they say that and then don't give a Fuck about you.

"I think you should leave now" I say. Finn shook his head. "This is abuse Saige"

I scoffed "No! Finn I feel fine I don't need your emotions right now"
Finn walked up closer to me and engulfed me in a warm and light hug.

"This is when someone is going through a tough time or when they really miss you" Finn explained.

I let out a sigh, fighting back all the drama in my body. In return I hugged him slightly back. "I'm always there for you Saige you know that don't you?" He asked still holding onto the hug.

"I do and don't. I don't think you belong to be.... friends with me!" I said backing away from the hug. "I know I say this a million times and you are fed up with hearing this but just leave me alone. Your friends are coming so now you can just leave me the way I am, ok?" I explained.

"I choose to ignore what you said. Because that was pure bullshit right there" Finn said.

He opened my window and let himself out. I felt bad for him and myself. I could have made a friend but I don't want one either. I upsetted him, he didn't even deserve it.

I layer on my bed and fell asleep with Disturbed thoughts corrupting my brain.

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