C h a p t e r O n e

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Saige Turner's pov

I hate myself!!!!
Everywhere I go, I get hate. My sister Kelly Turner is the most popular in high school.
I'm still stuck in middle school. And this is not those fairytales where your sister is popular in school and helps you out in your problems, In fact!!! She's the opposite!

Listen to me carefully.....

Everyone hates me!!

Made myself clear? No?

My mom and dad abuses me and my sister just hates me inside out she blames every little thing on me. And people around me just don't think! I am bruised I am hurt.
I am hurting.

I try to be locked in my room most of the time but when my mom and dad stand by my door and yell at me I climb out my window and spend more time outside.

I don't have friends. Which is good then I won't be distracted listening to other people's problems I could concentrate on mine. I had so many and my mind kept on saying kill yourself.

Why live? If there's no one to love? And no one loves you?

Every Sunday I'm forced to go to church because apparently I'm holy.
My mom and dad do this so my sister could socialise  more or more like do people.
I wish I could scoff but if I do I would never get the satisfaction I want.

"Saige! It's all your fault I don't have my tea" Kelly complained.
I  cringed. "I'm sorry, I don't drink tea. When the only FUCKING thing I can drink is water in this house" I shot back.
I heard stomping towards my room
My que to leave.
It was like a routine, here's how it goes.

Lock the door, 'yelling, yapping, yelling'
Open the window carefully and jump out.
Jump out and run as fast as you can before they realize I left.
Which they don't ever find out because they don't give a rats ass about me leaving.
Then running and hide behind a bush behind the neighbors house-

I bump onto someone and crash on the floor.
"Watch where your going will you!?" He exclaimed.
I scoffed and whinned scratching the back of my head after hitting the graffiti floor.
"God! I knocked my head be nice for once! I could've died. Someone hasn't learnt there health" I shot back.
I hear keys. That means my mom might be looking outside to check if I ran.

I yanked the arm of the random guy behind a bush. I didn't dare look at him because when people see me for the first time they hate me or beat me up.
"What the hell you think you doing to me?!" He asked.
"Do me a huge favor and shut up till she leaves!" I whisper shouted.

She finally walked inside.
I cringed because my head hurt bad. "Why you hiding from your mom?" He asked.
"I'de rather not speak, if she sees you and ask where I am, say you never saw me" I commanded.

"Your bleeding" He said.
"Shit! I'll handle it." I said reaching for my wound behind my head.
"Listen kid, you need to put some ice on that, I'll patch it up. Come in" He said.

I shook my head.
"I can't, I don't know what the hell you're gonna do with me in there" I argued.
"Well, then don't take it that way. Your wound is super bad. But if you don't want to patch it up that's fine, I just moved here. fact" He said.

I nodded, I didn't care a lot of people move in and out of that house because of how loud my mom and dad yell.

"Do you like sleep and peace?" I asked him.
"Yeah, I guess" He answered.

I pursed my lips and shook my head lawyer like. I patted his shoulder.
"This house is just your nesting ground for now, you'll move on soon" I warned.

I turned on my heels and walked away from him as soon as I could because I haven't talked to someone for no more than 3 minutes.

I put my earphones on and play 'sweet child O' mine' by guns N' roses.
I run wherever my legs took me.
I didn't look behind me because for some reason anxiety took over me.

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