C h a p t e r s i x t e e n

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Saige Turner's pov

The next day I went to Finn's house at 10 o'clock. I rang his bell. I texted him saying how do I come in. "Through the door is fine, my family knows you are coming" He said. Meeting his family is nerve racking.

Mrs Wolfhard opened the door and greeted me I greeted back. "Hello, Mrs Wolfhard" I said. "Finn is up in his room" She said guiding me to his room.

Finn sat on his bed his head stuck in his phone. I entered into his room. "Earth to Finn" I said giving out a short laugh. "Hey" He greeted. "You met my family?" He asked.

"Nope just Mrs. Wolfhard" I said. He sat me down on the bed and he was standing walking to one side of the room to the other side of the room. "Your making Me nervous" I admitted to him.

He laughed at what I said and he held my two hands and assured me. "It's not like your going to die, your fine" He said.

"I better not die" I said.
"Have you ever watched romantic movies?" Finn asked. I shook my head. "I can't watch anything" I confessed.

"Let's watch 'titanic' or 'fault in our stars' you pick." Finn said.
"I know a bit about titanic, but fault in our stars is also a great book I've heard. I haven't read it yet so I guess 'fault in our stars'" I made the choice.

Finn dragged me to his TV room and put the 'fault in our stars' movie on. I sat on his sofa and he joined me too. Before he played the movie he wanted to explain things.

"OK when your at a movie, remember a guy would always do this if he's interested in you" He explained. He put his arm around me and I pushed it back. "This?" I asked.

He nodded. "Throughout the whole movie probably but depends on his interests and this movie is about a 2 couple-" I interrupted him.

"Don't spoil it Wolfhard " I said placing his arm around me and he put on a smile. I was in a bit of pain but I convinced myself to let go of the pain.

After the movie.... Finn switched off the movie. "You learnt anything from that?" He asked giving a yawn. I furrowed my eyes at him. "Why would she still be with that guy she knew he was going to die? Wouldn't that just hurt her more?" I asked.

Finn stretched and then sat next to me. "Because she loved him and she knew that I guess" Finn said. "Love is stupid. Always doing the stupidity for the other" I said.

Finn let out a short laugh "You haven't fallen in love with someone yet. How would you know it's stupid?" He asked.
I scoffed "I've read books and I just saw one movie. And I kinda like Jaeden. I mean I gotta know if we are on the same page. I can't just suddenly like him without knowing he likes me" I said.

Finn laid back on his back and asked "Why not? It's stupid love."
"Yes but I would be hurt emotionally like how she did in the movie" I said. He laughed hard and playfully tackle me. I tried to tackle him back too in the end we both start laughing.

"You are one toughnut, your not like her or any other your hard to break."He said. Our faces were so close together I felt him breathing on me. I had to break the tension we had between us. "Thanks Wolfhard. I gotta go" I said.

"Wait, you wanna continue lessons with me?" He asked giving out a short laugh. "Yeah sure. I'm having fun. Stupid fun" I said.

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