7: forever.

Depuis le début

"Katrina." Bret pressed his lips to my ear.

He had my full attention. My body leaned into his touch much to my dismay.

"She's young, but she's a woman now. She has to figure out what makes her happy and what doesn't. You can't control that for her. If Tom makes her happy... then your going to have to learn to accept it." He said firmly, slumping his shoulders ever so lightly.

"I hate when you're right." I said running my hands across his chest.

"You love it." He mused, grinning.

"I hate it." I smiled knowingly.

I watched Tom and Celeste talk. A smile on her face while he laughed at her. It was the first time I had genuinely seen him smile at something that wasn't a wrestling ring.

"I will kill him if he ever hurts her." I sighed finally.

"Something tells me he probably won't." Bret mumbled, putting his arm around me.

"Would you ever get bored of me? Trade me in for a newer, faker bitch?" I asked jokingly.

"Katrina." He started with a chuckle before pausing.

"I've got the hottest woman on the planet on my arm and in my bed. What more could a guy ask for?" He grinned down at me.

"I could get ugly." I shrugged, smiling.

"Never. You're a timeless beauty." Bret pressed his lips to my forehead.

"Just know, Bret. If you ever cheat on me, or think about it. I will make you ever regret thinking with your friend between your legs ever again." I smiled sweetly.

"Not a problem, babe." He finished off his beer.

Three hours later and a couple of moitos later, Bret and I were back at his place. Celeste went back to her hotel and Tom went back to his house with Wayne.

I was sprawled out across the bottom of Bret's bed in my boyshorts and one of my lovely boyfriend's old t-shirts. He was laying at the headboard, with an bowl of ice cream in his lap. I was boredom flipping through channels on the tv.

"You know... Jim called earlier and suggested we watch his girls so he can take Ellie out." Bret said suddenly, and slowly.

"What did you say?" I wondered, looking over my shoulder at him.

"I said I didn't know. Ellie pissed me off. And she isn't going to let her grudge up about you. I just really don't feel like watching kid either." He admitted, his brown eyes boring into mine.

"I'll agree about the Ellie thing. But who knows. It could be fun. Good practice for when you become a father." I smirked at him.

"Something you want to tell me...?" He raised his eyebrow while looking at me.

"Calm down. I'm not pregnant." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh, thank god–"

"But if you don't want me to be. Start using a rubber." I looked back at the tv.

"It's not that I don't want you to be.... it's just. Us. As parents? That's a weird thought. I would be an awkward dad. I wouldn't be home. What would I tell them I did for a living? It's just not a good thought." Bret said in honesty. I could only bit my lip.

Having a family would be difficult for us. He would be away. I would be busy.

If we wanted to have the American Dream family... one of us were going to have to give up our dream. And I couldn't let Bret do that. Not for how hard he worked. But did I want to give up what I worked so hard for? My career? Would I be ready to say goodbye to it?

"Well, we're not even married. And we haven't been together for more than four months. I think we're getting ahead of ourselves." I crawled back up beside the tanned Canadian.

"You're the only woman I would have kids with if that helps." He added with a smile.

"I better be." I said as I stuck his spoon into some of his ice cream and put it in my mouth.

"Did I say you could have some?" He asked, clearly joking.

"Did I say you could talk to me?" I mused as I retorted back.

"I can do a lot more than talk to you." Bret smirked, sliding his hand beneath my boyshorts.

"Hands off. I'm eating ice cream, doof." I swatted his hand and pulled his bowl into my hands.

"That was literally mine, Kat." He rolled his eyes.

"And now it's mine. Don't you love sharing everything with me now?" I gleaned at him.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He chuckled, pulling me into a kiss.

I was about to protest until the bowl of ice cream fell onto the nightstand beside the bed. Instead I pulled the wrestler into my arms and kissed him with all the passion I could muster.

It may have taken me a while to realize it. But I felt happy. The happiest I had ever been.
And Bret Hart was the very reason for it. I couldn't be more thankful for it.


Soooo this is the last update of 2018.
That's so weird to say. Wow.

ALsoOOOO.... Kat and Tom. The friendship that will break worlds, and turn heads.

Thank you all for supporting this story. Kat and Bret are coming back wilder than ever next year. ;)

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