I Wished I Had A Big Brother Like Him

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"I can hear you but I can't see you."

I said to my Mother, who I was trying to Skype on my computer. I fixed the camera and then her face appeared on the screen at last.

"There you are! I can see you now."

"Hi Sweetie, how are you?"

"I'm fine thanks, how are things back in Greece?"

"Work is busy as usual, so what's been happening back home? are you still giving your father a hard time."

I shook my head for a no and explained to her what's been going on since I last contacted her.

"So anyway, I planned to get kicked out again but, the Sakamaki brothers aren't so bad once you get to know them."

"Well, that's good to hear, Karl did inform me that you did some damage to Ronin's car."

"He deserved that, it's his own fault for cheating on you, besides, you should be thanking me."

"Hehe, I don't have to, after all, he was a rubbish father to you after what he did, by the way, I saw the videos and the pictures you've been taking recently, so you're still up to your old tricks as usual."

I smiled innocently and then Mother continued to smile at me.

"But still, I'm glad you've met some new friends even though one of them has become your 'partner in crime'."

"Arigato Okaa-san, but, enough about me, what about you? did you meet a new man yet?"

"Nosy aren't you?"

"I can't help it, besides, you did tell me that you had a surprise for me when you get here."

"Just be patient, Ayame, I won't be back in Tokyo until next week, so for now, enjoy your time there."

"OK, I just can't wait to see you again."

Just then, Mom's phone started ringing and then she said to me.

"Gomen, Ayame, it's work, I gotta go, I'll see you when I come back to Japan."

"Bye Okaa-san."

I said before the screen went blank. I sighed a little and then a familiar voice spoke up.

"So that was your Mother huh?"

I jumped in fright and it was only Ayato.

"Ayato! what is the matter with you?! are you trying to give me a heart attack?! how long have you been there and how much did you hear?!"

"Hahahaha!! your reaction was priceless."

I grabbed my bat and I was about to beat him up until he raised his hands in defence.

"Whoa! whoa! whoa! hey!! no need for the bat!! I was only teasing!"

"Then start talking!!"

"All right! I only heard that you were enjoying yourself and how much like being Ore-sama's partner in crime."

"And nothing else?"

"Nothing else! I swear! now put away the bat!"

I giggled a little and I put away my bat. I noticed the artbook that I borrowed from the library and I looked at its return date.

"Whoops, I better get this back to the library, I was meant to take this back today."

"What are you? a bookworm like Reiji?"

Diabolik Lovers: The Emo GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora