Meeting The Sakamaki Brothers

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At the Sakamaki mansion, Karlheinz arrived at his sons' home to let them know and Yui, that they're gonna have someone stay with them for a while. When they were told about Ayame coming over, Laito smirked at this and he spoke up.

"So we've got another sacrificial bride coming over? this will be fun~"

"Laito, Ayame is not a sacrificial bride, the only reason why she's coming here is that her father is having a bother with her attitude and her behaviour so, that's why he thought bringing her here and sending her to night school might be able to sort her out."

"Bad behaviour? why do I have a strong feeling she's going to be like a mini Subaru or a mini Ayato?"

Ayato and Subaru glared at Reiji when he said this. Karl chuckled and he then said to Reiji.

"I suppose if she starts playing up you can deal with the punishments?"

"Of course, I've dealt with deplorable behaviours before."

Ayato smirked and he then asked Karl.

"So, on a scale one to ten, how badly behaved is she?"

"I have no idea, but judging from the sound of Ronin's voice when he told me about her on the phone, I'd say about eight or nine."

"Whoa-hoo!! really?! this will be fun indeed..."

Yui sweat dropped when she saw the smirk on Ayato's face and then the front door slammed open.

"Ayame! will you get a move on!"

"I'm coming for god's sake! quit bossing me around!"

The brothers looked surprised when they heard the front door slamming open. Reiji sighed and he then asked Karl.

"They do realise they have to knock before they entered the house?"

"No, I asked one of my servants to wait outside for them and it sounds like an argument has started."

Karl mumbled until Ayame and Ronin came into the living room while still arguing.

"Listen, missy! you need to drop the attitude! Karl was nice enough to let you stay here!"

"I'll be glad to get away from someone who cheated on Okaa-san with that fat bimbo!!"

"Wil you stop mentioning that out loud!"

"Why?! are you worried about the whole friggin world finding out!! well, you're too bloody late for that now! you old bastard!!"

"Why are you being so impossible?!!"

"Funny I can ask you this same thing!!"

Ayame and Ronin growled at each other until they looked away from each other with frowns on their faces. Ayato chuckled and he whispered to Laito.

"Call the emergency services, there's a massive fire going on here."

Laito snickered after Ayato said this until Reiji and Karl glared at them, making them shut up in the process. Ronin cleared his throat and he said to Karl.

"I'm so sorry you had to hear that Karl, this is what I have to put up with every time she starts an argument."

"I start the arguments?! you're the one who's always on my goddamn case 24-7!! saying how I dress, how I look and how I keep getting kicked out of school!!"

"That's because you've been hanging out with the wrong crowd! why can't you lose those people who you call your friends!"

"That's because they are my friends and it's not up to you who I hang out with!!"

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