My First Day At Night School Will End Before It Can Even Begin

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"Hahahahaha!!! ahahahahaha!! oh man! that was classic!! I can't believe you actually damaged your old man's car like that!"

Ayato said while laughing hysterically after showing my new room that'll be staying in. I sat on my bed with legs crossed and I grinned at his reaction.

"Well, I'm glad it was entertaining and amusing."

"You really are nothing like the other girls in school, fancy being Ore-sama's partner in crime?"

Ayato said with a wink and I nodded my head.

"If you've got any ideas in mind let me know, my friends don't call me the queen of pranking for nothing."

"You two will not be doing any pranking around here!"

Ayato and I jumped in fear and I looked who spoke up.

"Bloody hell Reiji! clear your throat before you speak up!!"

"That language is not acceptable in this house, your father might have given up on changing you, but, don't think you'll get away with anything while you're staying here."

"Whatever, it's not like I asked to be here in the first place and I do not intend to stay here for very long, give it a few weeks and you guys will be begging my Father to take me back home."

"That will not be happening at all, now hurry up and get changed."

"Don't tell me what to do, you're not the boss of me, I can do whatever the hell I want."

I said as I laid down on the bed with my hands behind my head and my legs crossed over. Reiji frowned and he said to me.

"You're staying here the whole night while we're in school, you're coming with us whether you like it not."

"Tell that to my finger."

I said as I showed my middle finger to Reiji making Ayato laugh at him.

"Reiji just got burnt by a girl!"

Ayato suddenly stopped laughing when Reiji showed off his angry and scary aura.

"Are you asking for a whipping? because if you are I'll gladly beat some manners into you."

I sweat dropped a little when Reiji said this and he means it. I looked at Ayato after sitting up and I asked him.

"So uh...I'm guessing we're going to night school?"

"Yep, that's right, I'll leave you alone to get changed!"

"Wait! don't leave me here with-"

Too late Ayato teleported out of the room and I mumbled.


Reiji glared at me and he then said to me.

"Don't think this is gonna be a walk in the park and if you even think about causing trouble for us and if you keep this behaviour up, you'll get the worst punishment of your life and that's no joke, now hurry up and get changed into the uniform I've laid out for you."

I looked at the uniform and I was disgusted with it since the skirt looked too frilly. 

"Ugh...great here we go again with the frilly skirts..."

"Don't start, meet us in the living room in ten minutes."

Reiji said before teleporting out of the room. I growled angrily and I decided to make a few changes to the uniform. (A/n if u don't know or remember what Ayame's uniform looks like, head back to the character introduction, anyway back to the chapter.)

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