My New Partner In Crime

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Once lunch break finally came around, I decided to take this opportunity to cause some trouble. I managed to find some dog poop and I placed it in a brown paper bag. I placed the bag in front of the staff room and I got my matches. I looked around to make sure the coast was clear until a familiar voice spoke up.

"What are you doing?"

I turned around it was Ayato. I whispered at Ayato.

"Ayato! don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Sorry, but seriously, what are you doing?"

"I'm about to pull one of my number one pranks ever, the flaming bag of dog poop."

Ayato looked at me shocked and he smirked at me.

"Now this is something I gotta see."

"Well, you better take notes because of this is one of my best pranks ever."

I said as I lit the top of the bag and I knocked on the staff room door. Ayato and I hid behind a corner and I got my phone ready. One of the Gym teachers, Mr Fujimoto, came out and he saw the flaming bag.

"Ahh! what the hell!!"

I pressed record on my phone and we watched Mr Fujimoto stomp on the bag to stop it from burning. Ayato and I did our best to hold back our laughs until Mr Fujimoto spotted us.



I shouted as Ayato and I ran as fast as we could. We hid in an empty classroom and then we heard Mr Fujimoto's footsteps running past the classroom we were hiding in. Once he was gone, Ayato and I burst out laughing and I spoke up.

"Oh man! did you see the look on his face?! it was classic!! hahahaha!!"

"Ore-sama now knows why you're known as the Queen of Pranking! ahahahaa!!!"

"Hehe... let's take a look at the video."

I pressed play on the phone and then we both started laughing when we saw his reaction. I managed to calm myself down and I said to Ayato.

"Well, I can honestly say that's the first step for me getting the heck out of this place."

"Are you really that desperate to get out of school? I mean, I can see why you want to get out of school especially since it's boring."

"Well, you don't know me yet Ayato, look, I seriously don't care what other people think and by the way, I'm not getting kicked out because I hate school."

Ayato still looked confused when I told him this until he saw a picture of me and mom on my screensaver on my phone.

"Nice photo, is that your mother?"

"Yeah... this was taken during a festival last year before she went to work abroad."

Ayato finally understood why I kept causing trouble in previous schools and at home.

"I think I'm starting to get the idea why you're doing this to your old man, you wanna be with your mother don't you?"

"More than anything in this world, it's all his fault that I hardly get to see her now, we were close before he..."

I looked with a frown on my face and then Ayato sighed a little.

"Look, I'm not some shrink who can fix your brain but, instead of causing trouble and getting the old man to send you back to your father, why not stick around with us for a while?"

"Hmpf, yeah right, you're just saying that so that you can suck my blood."

"Look, Ore-sama promises not to suck your blood while you're staying with us, but, you did say that you wanted to get away from your father and now you are far away from him and besides, ore-sama could do with a new partner in crime."

I giggled a little and I smiled at Ayato.

"You know what, you do have a point, besides, it's not every day I get to hang out with a vampire."

I said as Ayato and I fist bumped. We peeked out of the classroom making sure the coast was clear and then we left the room. Ayato the got another idea and he then asked me.

"Hey, fancy pulling a prank when we get home?"

"Definitely, I've got a little revenge plan in mind for Reiji."

"Oh? what's the idea?"

I whispered in Ayato's ear and then he grinned in excitement.

"Dude! that's evil! I love it!"

"You go and get the stuff when we get home and I'll do the trapping."

"You got it."

Ayato said before teleporting away from me and I hurried to my class since I didn't want to get into trouble by Reiji.


Ayato and I peaked around the corner of the hallway and then opened the door slowly to make sure Reiji wasn't in his room. We looked around and thankfully he wasn't here.

"Coast is clear."

"Quick then, before he comes back."

"Gotcha, now stay here and keep an eye out."

Ayato nodded his head and then I got to work on setting up the prank. I used Reiji's stool to place the bucket of slime above his door and I got the exploding fizzy drink set up as well. Ayato and I got out of Reiji's room and I said to him.

"OK, that's everything ready, time for the bait."

I said as Ayato hands me over the bag of dog poop. I placed the bag near the door, I lit the top of it and then we hide around the corner. Reiji showed up and he asked us.

"What are you two up to?"

"Nothing except, there's smoke coming from your room."


Reiji shouted and then he went to his room to see what's going on. We peaked around the corner and then we heard the bucket falling and Reiji shouting.

"Ayato! Ayame!!"

Ayato and I burst out laughing when we saw Reiji covered in slime and some insects. 

"Gotcha Reiji!"


I said as I took a picture of him before we made a run for it. 

"You two are gonna get punished big time!!"

Ayato and I hid my room and we were still laughing. Ayato managed to calm himself down and he managed to catch his breath.

"Phew, oh man, that was hilarious!"

"I know right? I told you that prank was gonna work."

"Hey mind sending me that picture of Reiji? I wanna use it as my screensaver."


I said as I sent the picture to Ayato's phone. Ayato smirked when he saw this picture and I said to him.

"I'm gonna post this on my facebook page and I might send it to your doppelganger brothers."

"Hahaha! do that and they'll never respect Reiji again."

I giggled a little as I sent the picture to Laito and Kanato.

Diabolik Lovers: The Emo Girlحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن