Every Time The Rain Comes Down

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It was the lunch break in school and I had nothing to do since it was raining like cats and dogs out there. I had planned to either go to the roof or in gardens but, that wasn't happening so I decided to go into one of the empty classrooms to eat in peace until I heard Yui screaming. I ran to the commotion and it was Kanato. He had spilt some coffee on the floor and Yui had burnt her hand.

"Don't you know that I prefer things that are sweet?! I hate things that have a bitter aftertaste, so I hate coffee!! why is that so hard for you to understand?!"

"But that's no reason for you to spill it on the floor-"

"Don't think that you can talk back to me like that! you're a worthless mortal, so you have no right!"

Kanato interrupts Yui, who was getting sick and tired of her apologising.

"Um...I'm really sorry."

"I know you and you're not sorry at all, why are you apologising!!"

I got in front of Yui and whacked Kanato on the head with my fist.


"Back off Kanato!!"

Kanato whimpered in pain as he clutched his head. I looked at Yui and she had burnt her hand. I was surprised a little and then Yui asked me.

"What's the matter Ayame?"

"Huh? nothing, any way you go and wash that under cold water I'll deal with the pipsqueak."

"Are you sure?"

"Don't worry, Kanato doesn't scare me."

Yui smiled at me and then she ran off. Kanato glared at me and he shouted.

"What was that for?!"

"I couldn't exactly stand by and let you suck her blood, I knew straight away that was coming."

"But that didn't mean you had to go and hit me on the head! she's so mean isn't she teddy?!"

Kanato said to his precious teddy making me sweatdrop a little.

"Don't get mad when I ask you this, but, aren't you a little old to be having a teddy bear especially when you're talking to him like that?"

Kanato glared at me and he shouted.


I interrupted his screaming and yelling by holding up a bag of chocolate truffles making Kanato look at them surprised and then he sniffs the bag.

"Is that truffles I can smell?"

"They sure are, call it my way of saying sorry for Yui's mistake and me giving you that knock on the head."

Kanato took the bag from my hand and then he tried some of the truffles and he smiled at the taste of them. I smirked at him and I said to him.

"Geez, you really do have both a height and a mind of a child."

Kanato looked at me surprised and then he looked away from with a hint of blush on his cheeks.

"So what?! I was going to punish for you whacking my head and stopping me but, I'll let it slide since you were able to give me some sweets, see you around."

Kanato said before teleporting away from me. I sighed a little and I chuckled a little until Yui came back.

"Arigato Ayame, you saved my skin."

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