Meeting The Mukami Brothers

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A while had passed since I've been living with the Sakamaki brothers and Yui. The vampire brothers are a pain in the backside sometimes but, after I got used to them for the past few months, they're not so bad. My mother has been in touch and she's gonna come and visit me soon and she has something to tell me as well. I hope it's another man and I also hope this one won't betray her like what dad did.

Right now, I'm in one of the empty classrooms with Reiji and he was helping me with my maths homework since it was one of my worst subjects and my grades had been low as well. I finished writing down the formula as Reiji explained to me what to do and I then showed him what I came up with. Reiji read it carefully and I asked him.

"Well? is it any better this time?"

"...Well, let me put it this way, it's an improvement but..."

Reiji took one of my pencils and he fixed one of the formulas and he said to me.

"You need to remember this formula."

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind Reiji, thanks for this, I was a little worried that you would say no to helping me."

"Well, your father did tell us to make sure you change your ways and your grades are one of them."

"Now you're starting to sound like my old man."

"And speaking of which, have you spoken to him at all?"

"Nope, I blocked his number, I don't want anything to do with him anymore and besides, Okaa-san is coming over for a visit."

I said as I got my stuff and then Reiji asked me.

"You know, you never talk about your mother much aside from the fact she broke up with your Father and moved abroad."

"All you need to know is that she's beautiful, she works in Greece as a wedding planner and she's coming over for a visit, I hope she brings back a proper fella."

Reiji shook his head at me before we left the classroom. 

"You're not that bothered about her bringing back another man?"

"Of course not, just as long as he's not a pain in the backside, unlike my old man."

I said with a small frown while Reiji chuckled at me. Just then, we heard loud excited screams making me cover my ears.

"Ah!! what the hell?!"

"Oh great, here they come again."

I was confused by this and when I turned to look I saw four boys and I can tell they're vampires. Ayato appeared next to me and he frowned angrily at them.

"Tch, those bloody Mukami brothers again? what part of stay away they don't understand?"

"I'm guessing there's a bit of a rivalry between you lot?"

"You can say that they tried to kidnap Pancake before you showed up."

"Did they now?"

"They did, I don't know why they stuck around but we're gonna make sure they don't lay a finger on Pancake again."

"So who are they?"

"They're Ruki, Kou, Yuma and Azusa, be sure to try and stay away from them, they're nothing but trouble."

"I'll keep that in mind."

I said with a smile on my face until Kou looked in our looked in our direction and then he came over to me. I sweat dropped when he stared at me.

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