Chapter 19

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Nash's POV

"WHAT?" They all yelled causing people around us to give us dirty looks. "She's going to come back. I just need to wait. She'll come back when she's ready. I know her. She always come back to the people she cares about. Trust me." I say. They all looked at each other. They all looked at each other and sighed. "Alright, but what if she doesn't come back?" Sam asked. "They're people in the house who she cares about more than you think. Matthew was her best friend since they were kids. She would tell Hayes and I about how much they hung out and all the stupid shit they've would do that would cause them both to get in trouble. She cares bout Matt and Hayes, but me I don't know anymore, but she will come back." I say. Sam stands up and smile. "I'm going to trust Nash with this one." He says. I smile. Taylor stood up next to him. Rosie sighed a little and got up. We all smiled and walked out and that's when I finally got it. Sam is crushing on Taylor. I really did fuck up.

Hazel's POV

"Oh my gosh Shawn, is this our trip?" I asked. Shawn looked at me nervously and nods his head. I smile widely. "This is amazing." I screamed. He laugh. We were all standing in front of a really nice hotel. "Let's go in. After we get our room we're going to get some food and movies. I smiled widely and grabbed Mahogany's hand and dragged her inside.

Cameron's POV

"Shawn you're a great person. Don't change." I say as we watch Hazel drag Mahogany into the hotel. "So what's happening tonight?" I ask. "Well, were going to get some food and movies obviously, and try to get her mind off Nash and hopefully she'll want to go back." He says. "You know she has to be back by tomorrow. We have a meeting." I say. "Shit. We have to make this an amazing night so she'll be ready." Shawns says.

Hazel's POV

"Ugh, I'm so tired." I complained. We were walking to the store and we were halfway there. "You're so lazy." Mahogany says laughing. As soon as soon as we got there Mahogany and I sat inside in two different carts. When Cameron saw us he automatically said. "Oh hell no." I laughed. "Please. " I begged. Shawn sighed in annoyance but said, "Fine but I call Mahogany. " Cameron rolled his eyes. "Alright thanks, I feel the love." I shout. They all laugh. "Well a least we can race them." Cameron said with a little smirk. Before I could say anything he started pushing me. I screamed and started laughing loudly I looked behind us and see Shawn and Mahogany trying to catch up to us. "Cameron don't make us fall I already have a broken wrist." I say. "Don't worry I got this." He says smirking. We made a sharp turn and ended up in the chips isle. "Hell yeah. Great stop Cam." I say. Cam laugh and start throwing chips into the cart. "Heeey." I hear Mahogany say as Shawn pulled her by me. "We got the soda." Shawn announced. "There is no way were going to finish all of this." Cameron says. Mahogany and I both said, "Speak for yourself." We looked at each other and started laughing

"This room is amazing." Camerons said in awe. Mahogany and Shawn dropped Cameron and I off off at the hotel while they went to get the movies. "So um. Cam. Can I um ask you something?" I say nervously. His face look nervous. He said "Yeah. Are you ok?" I look at him straight in the eyes and said "When you first met me. Did you not like me?"

Hope you all are enjoying the story so far :)
I love you all. Byye

Instagram: ccaaasssiiddyy
Twitter: cassidyoneall

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