Chapter 49

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Cameron's POV

It's been three days since everyone finally knew about the threat that's coming for us.

At first everyone was a mess. Some were crying, some were holding back tears, and some caused holes in the walls. Except me, Hazel, and Nash. We were calm considering we already knew and we let it all sink in.

Ever since Hazel figured out about what's coming for us, I've been teaching her on how to shoot a gun and how to get perfect aim the majority of the time.

I was surprised by how quickly she learned. It took everyone else at least two weeks to be as good as her.

"Hazel time to get up. Training time.".I yelled as I swung the door open. Hazel and Nash both groaned but Hazel got up.

"So Cameron. More gun crap today?" She asked with a fake smile. I could tell she was getting bored from all of this gun training so I decided to mix it up.

"Actually, no." I said causing her to give me a confused look. "You're going to learn how to fight." I said with a little smirk. Her eyes widen and a smile grew.

"Hell yes. This is going to be so much better then guns." She exclaimed and ran out the room.

"Cam?" I heard Nash mumble from his bed. "Yeah?" I responded sitting on the bed beside him. "Thank you. For training her. Teaching her how to defend herself. I appreciate it." Nash said. I smiled a little and patted his back.

"It's what I do as the leader Nash. Now go back to sleep." I said as I got up to leave. He nodded his head and automatically fell right back to sleep.

Hazel's POV

"Shit Cameron my arms hurt." I yelled as my fist hit the punching bag. "It's going to at first, but in a few weeks all this pain will be worth it." He promised. I rolled my eyes. "It better be." I mumbled as I threw more punches and a couple of a kicks at the bags. I closed my eyes as I felt the pain shoot through me.

Ever since I started training, I've been repeating one quote over and over again.

No pain no gain.

Nash's POV

"GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE." Hazel yelled as her and Cameron walked out of the basement into the kitchen.

"Shut up." Shawn groaned causing all of us to laugh.

"Shawn I'm slightly offended by your words but it's okay because I know you love me." She said with a smirk. He rolled his eyes as he ate his muffin.

"Morning babe." She said with a smile as she sat down beside me. "Morning sunshine." I said with my mouth filled with food.

She gave me a disgusted look and covered my mouth. "Don't talk with your mouth full." She demanded. I rolled my eyes and swallowed everything that was in my mouth. As soon as she put her hand down I opened my mouth widely and stuck my tounge out.

"You're a child." She said while laughing. I rolled my eyes as I shut my mouth.

"HEY GUYS." Matt screamed as he jumped between us. "Ha now that I'm here you two can't do couple things like kiss and stuff." Matt said while basically laying on Hazel.

"Matt can you please get off me? I would appreciate it." Hazel said hitting Matt's back lightly. He looked up with curious face.

"Did you hear that? Who was that?" He asked.

Finally after 5 minutes of pretending Hazel was a chair she pushed Matthew off of her causing him to fall on the floor making the whole table to start dying with laughter.

"Damn Cameron, must be training her well. She's strong now." Matthew groaned. Hazel laughed.

"Why can't we have one normal meal?" Sam groaned.

"Shut up Sammy." Everyone said at the same time to him. We all look at each other and start to laugh hysterically as Sam rolled his eyes.

Hazel's POV

"So how's training?" Mahogany asked nudging my shoulder. We were now the only ones in the kitchen sadly since we had to wash the dishes.

"It's okay," I mumbled. "I'm a little tired and sore, but it's going to be worth it in the end I hope."

"Well you're already getting stronger. It's obvious. You'll be fine." She says resting a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you nervous? About what's coming." I asked quietly.

"Yeah I just don't want them worried. It keeps me up at night. It feels awful, y'know? The fact that you never when they're coming or what's going to happen. I feel like I'm the only one scared" She whispered.

I gave Mahogany a hug as I said quietly to her. "No matter how hard I train I'll always be scared."

A/N: next chapter is the last. I'm going to post the epilogue and final note right after I post the last chapter.

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