Final Note.

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Well that's it. That's the end of Nash, Hazel and I guess Cameron's story. I want to thank every single reader who have read this book beginning to end, every reader who voted for one or more chapters, and to every one who commented or sent me messages. I appreciate it. You all are amazing seriously.

I also want to apologize for how long it would take me to update. My life had a lot ups and downs while writing this. I had no motivation to do really anything. At one point near the cat passed away and my cat is my best friend. He kept me strong in this world. My whole brain just shut down when he passed. It was an extremely difficult time for it. I would just lay in bed and be sad. It took awhile to get back on my feet but I've done it luckily.

Also, they're two people I really want to thank. My best friends, Jasmin and Kori. They are such amazing people. They would read my chapters if I wasn't sure of them, remind to update if I haven't done it in awhile, and approve/disapprove of idea I had. I love them both :)

Thank you to everyone who has followed me and kept up with the story. Thank you to every single reader of the story. Even the reader who didn't vote or comment I appreciate you. Thanks to the readers who are reading this days, weeks, months, or even years after this book finished. Thank you all for actually giving this book a chance.

But if you want you can follow me or read my new stories that are coming soon :))

So finally, thanks for reading this story. I love you all so much. Goodbye :)

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Twitter: cassidyoneall
Instagram: ccaaasssiiddyy

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