Chapter 1

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My name is Hazel.

I'm 16.

I live in North Carolina. I was born in Virginia. I moved here last year. My only friends were my neighbors Nash Grier and Hayes Grier, after a month, they ran away from home. Ever since they left I've been bullied, everyone blames me for Nash and Hayes running away. Luckily, they're only two more weeks of school left.

Hazel's POV

"Hazel! Time to get up!" I heard my mom scream from downstairs. I roll out of bed landing face first on the ground. Ouch. I got up and walked into my closet. I grabbed a pair a white skinny jean and a random shirt. I looked into the mirror. I put my long brown curly hair in a messy bun. I put some mascara on and I walked downstairs. "Morning sweetie." My mom said when I reached the bottom of the steps. I waved to her. She smiled sadly. Ever since Nash and Hayes ran away I haven't said a word. I've gone mute. I grabbed an apple and walked out of my house. I usually walk to school. I don't want my parents to know about me being bully. I look at the Grier's house. I haven't been to that house ever since they told me that Hayes and Nash ran away.


I was in my room listening to Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Ray and for some reason, something didn't feel right. I shrugged it off and decided to go over to the Grier's house. I walked downstairs and yelled "Momm, I'm going over to the Grier's house!" As I reached the front door I did the secret knock I had to do so Nash and Hayes know it's me. Nash and Hayes' parents open the door. They were both crying. I automatically felt tears falling down my face. "I-is e-everything ok-k-kay?" I asked stuttering my words. They looked down for a minute and finally Elizabeth said "Nash and Hayes.....They um....ran away." As soon as she finished that sentence I fell to the ground. My only friends here, are gone. They never said anything about running away. I picked myself off the ground and I ran home.

The next day my parents forced me to go to school. Nash and Hayes were on the news the night before. I walked into school and someone push me into a locker. I look up to see Ashley one of the most popular girls in school. "Hey Hazel. So how'd you do it?" She asked. I tried to speak but words wouldn't come out. She smirked and says "Oh the little bitch can't talk." Everyone started laughing at me. I felt tears building up in my eyes. No not here. I will not cry in front of them. I sighed and got up and walked towards the bathroom and started to cry.

Flashback over

I felt a tear go down my cheek. I still miss them. Sadly, this is not the first time someone close to me ran away. My best friend from Virginia, Matthew, ran away 4 months before we moved. I still miss him, I still miss Hayes, and I still miss Nash..I shake my head as I walked into school ready for the pain to begin.


Main insta: @ ccaaasssiiddyy
Twitter: cassidyoneall

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