fifteen - bruises

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Finn had been staring at the same street lamp for hours, wondering what he was going to do. He had left Millie's again last night, finding some shelter in an abandoned building for the day, not wanting to deal with Caleb. He knew that it was stupid to keep running away when he always seemed to go back to her, but he just couldn't fight his instincts that told him to get far away from this girl and what she made him feel. 

He knew that if he told her how he really felt and was willing to try, then everything would turn into an expectation. He would need to spend the rest of his time treating her right and showing her how much he loved her. 

And he didn't know if he would be any good at that. 

"Well, well, well, Wolfhard? What a surprise..." 

Finn froze instantly at the voices, the trio standing behind him, Daniel coming and sitting down beside him on the bench. Finn kept still, his mouth tightly shut as he clenched his jaw to stop himself from getting into more trouble. Carlos and James perched around him, each of them surveying the area to make sure that nobody was around. Finn was glad that he had gone for a walk outside of Millie's neighborhood, terrified that they would try and use her to scare him again. He wouldn't fall for it this time.

Daniel took the cigarette out of Finn's fingers carefully like it was his own, taking a long drag before glancing at him innocently. "How are things?"

"Not bad" Finn shrugged carelessly, sending him a challenging look, "You should come to tea sometime, we could have a catch up instead of meeting out on the streets."

Daniel smirked, his blonde hair being tossed around lightly in the wind and he shrugged. "Yeah, you're right. Maybe we should go for a walk."

Minutes later, Finn was roughly shoved up against the bricked alleyway, pain shooting through his back. He grimaced, keeping a straight face although part of him felt like he had nothing to fight for anymore. Maybe he should just give in and let them do what they want. 

"What do you want?" Finn groaned tightly, watching them all carefully. 

"We need to finish some business" Carlos raised an eyebrow and the corner of his lips turned up smugly, "A little birdie told us that you still haven't gone home to daddy. You see, here is the thing, make him angry, then he gets angry at us, which causes us to get angry at you. It is a dreadful cycle I am afraid."

Finn felt dread trickle into his stomach slowly making him feel sick. "Tell him that he can do whatever he wants, but I'm not going back there."

"How's your little brunette?" James crossed his arms over his chest, chuckling at the way that Finn's body instantly froze up. "You still staying with her?" 

"She has nothing to do with this" Finn warned, his voice low and dangerous, "so I'm telling you to leave her the fuck alone."

"You don't love the girl, do you?" Daniel scoffed and at Finn's late reply, his eyes lit up instantly with mischief that set Finn on edge, " do, don't you?"

"Look, Wolfhard" Carlos sighed, bringing his face closer so that he could see the anger in Finn's dark orbs, "your old man is on our case about your unfinished business. So do us all a favor and go back home, where you belong with your deadbeat dad."

"And your pretty little girlfriend..." James added with a smirk, watching Finn try to struggle, wanting nothing more than to beat the shit out of them all. 

"Not in a million fucking years" Finn spat, finally managing to push away and raise his fist, giving James a strong punch across his face, the loud crack hurting his ears. 

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