one - strangers

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Millie Bobby Brown had not expected him to walk into her life unexpectedly, during her boring English Lit class at 2:21 pm. 

He walked in late, rolling his eyes and kicking a nearby chair as the teacher Mrs Ryder reprimanded him for his attitude. She pointed to the seat at the back next to Millie, who slid down gently into her seat as if wishing that she could disappear. Finn scoffed, sending the teacher a bored glance before stumbling into the chair beside Millie. He had heard of her for sure, little miss sunshine at the school. 

Millie glanced at him from the corner of her eye, trying not to seem scared. She took note of the way that he chewed on the end of his pencil with boredom, fiddling with the end of his ripped up dark denim jacket. Finn Wolfhard was known at the school as being a bit of a loner, always sitting at the back of the class slacking or smoking during the lunch hour that they were given. She knew he had gained himself a bit of a reputation of a ladies man, always hooking up with girls at parties and then barely sparing them a second glance. She had seen him around school before, but for some reason she could barely take her eyes off him, suddenly feeling curiosity perk up at his sad brown eyes. 

"Can you at least try to stop staring at me?" his harsh voice brought Millie out of her daze, her cheeks growing warm as she looked away. 

"Sorry" she mumbled softly, feeling his glare on the side of her head. "You don't have to be such an asshole."

"Oh, I feel terrible about it, sunshine" Finn drawled sarcastically, "You should find my apology card in the post tomorrow."

Millie shook her head and released a heavy sigh, wincing at the smell of smoke on him. Thank the lord we only have to sit together for today! I couldn't cope otherwise...

Finn glanced at her with a small smirk, he had seen her around the school always helping out or offering to give student's extra help. It made things a little easier that she was a pretty thing, he glanced down from the tips of her short wavy brown hair reaching her shoulders to her delicate fingers fiddling with the hem of her pink skirt. She nibbled softly on her full lower lip in concentration and Finn looked away. 

"Okay, class" Mrs Ryder beamed, looking at all of their bored faces awkwardly, "you will be starting projects in this class, handing in a topic of your choice about the book we have been studying, Pride and Prejudice! You will be working with your seating partner for today, feel free to spend your free time working on the project it can be in any form you want it to be in-"

"Oh for fuck's sake.." Millie heard Finn mutter under his breath, running a hand through his long black curls that looked like they needed a trim. Underneath the rude exterior, he was good-looking and mysterious, part of her could see why some of the girls threw themselves at him. 

"Guess we are working together" Millie concluded gently, trying not to set him off yelling at her. He simply pinched his forehead with his thumb and forefinger as if she was already starting to give him a headache. 

As they were packing away after class, Millie turned to Finn with a reassuring smile. 

"You know, if you would stop being an asshole for five seconds, we could get along just fine and hand in the project" she placed a hand on her hip, Finn's eyes immediately going to them fitting nicely into her tight pink skirt. 

"I'm not going to do this stupid project with you" he groaned, "get that in your pretty little head, okay?"

Ignoring his comment about her looks, Millie continued on confidently. 

"Listen, Wolfhard. The way I see it, the quicker we do this means the quicker we can get back to being strangers and you can go back to making out with every other girl. Okay?" 

"Jealous?" Finn raised an eyebrow and laughed at her disgusted face. "Whatever, sunshine. Just don't expect a hug or anything like that."

He walked away without sparing her another glance and Millie sighed, already knowing that this was going to be one heck of a long project. 


Finn clenched his eyes shut tightly, trying his best to open the door as quietly as possible as he sneaked in, knowing what would happen if he made a noise. He stretched his foot gently, wincing at the sound of his joints popping as he slowly stepped into the house. Looking around, he let out the breath he had been holding in when he didn't see anyone nearby. Maybe this time he had gone out. 

"Where have you been, boy?" the chilling voice made Finn's blood run cold. 

He turned around slowly, his breath shaky as he came face to face with his father who was leaning up against the door lazily. He looked his son up and down with unfocused eyes as he took yet another clumsy swig of his whiskey, wiping his chin afterwards where some had spilled. 

"I was just-"

"You were out making me money, weren't you? You were contacting Caleb and getting Mr Robert's load. Tell me that is what you were doing, boy."

Finn's eyes focused on the ground as if it would soften the blow about to come. 

"I'm sorry, I forgot. I'll do it first thing tomorrow I swear-" Finn pleaded slightly, desperation laced within his words. 

He was cut off by a fist, the metal of his fathers brass rings making his cheek explode with pain as he was shoved to the floor. Finn stuttered out apologies as his father continued to cause his son pain wherever he could, kicking his bony body and cutting his lip with his brass rings as he laughed darkly. 

Finn continued to plead with his father the entire time, begging him to stop, promising that he would make him more money tomorrow, but deep down he knew it was no use. 

His father never stopped until Finn could no longer even lift his head. 


I know it is extremely dark at the moment and depressing but it will be an overall theme unfortunately, despite not many violent scenes on the whole. I hope you enjoyed it anyway, the next chapter should be up now as soon as you scroll to continue this little forming...friendship? between Millie and Finn. 

I do feel like I have to do the typical fillie book disclaimer, no I am not forcing two teenagers to be in love or to form a relationship. Sure, I do think they would be cute together but I am simply using their appearances for this book not their personalities or lives. I hate people that make them feel uncomfortable and I am in no way trying to get them to be together, if they do, great, but this book was simply drawn from what they look like. Cool? Great. 

Please don't forget to comment and vote and I'll write more real soon! 


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