eleven - nobody

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When Millie woke up, she immediately felt the dull ache behind her tired eyes and the weakness of her limbs. She winced at the sunlight bursting through her window, noticing quickly that the bed was empty beside her, nothing but rumbled sheets. 

Her eyes drifted over to see a glass of water and some pain killers on her bedside table, and after taking them immediately, her mind raced through the course of the party, more specifically what she did when they got home. Flashes came through her mind of leaning closer to his plump lips, climbing onto his lap and practically begging him to kiss her. Millie dropped the glass abruptly onto her bed, quickly catching it from rolling off and shattering, wondering what the hell she must have been thinking that night. 

"Jesus" Millie sighed under her breath, running her fingers through her messy hair and getting off the damp bed sheets. She changed and showered, feeling slightly better already and decided to put on a brave face. She knew that she had to face Finn eventually, dreading his response to what she had revealed while drunk. She had never been a big drinker, and she saw worry fill Sadie's eyes as soon as she saw her best friend stumbling and dancing with strangers, unable to stop giggling. Millie had tried her best to ignore and avoid Finn at the party but he had found her, like usual. 

Everything always seemed to lead back to him. 

Finn was at perched on a counter, tapping through his phone and he looked up when Millie entered in a baggy hoodie. He swallowed his cereal quickly and clicked his tongue, looking at her with dark eyes. He had panicked as soon as he had woken up, getting out of there quick and making it his mission of the day to make it clear that this couldn't ever happen between them. She needed to know that he was no good for her. 

"Feeling rough?" he asked in a matter of fact tone. It was cold and made her flinch as she ignored him, grabbing her own bowl to make cereal. "Do you remember last night?"

"No" Millie spat out too quickly, and she could tell by the raise of his eyebrow that he knew she was lying. She ignored his disbelieving gaze and poured her milk into the bowl, finding a spoon. 

"Oh, you don't?" Finn scoffed harshly. "So you don't remember trying to get me to have sex with you before you passed out?"

Millie span around with a glare directed at him. "I did not try and have sex with you."

He jumped down from the counter and stalked towards her, "Oh really? So what would you call it, then? You were about two minutes away from stripping and letting me do whatever I wanted."

"That is not how it happened" Millie snapped. 

Finn took on a very low and dangerous voice that made her stiffen automatically as he stepped closer daringly. "Millie, you told me you liked me. You told me that you had feelings for me and then you tried to sleep with me. What the hell was that?"

"I was drunk" she defended. 

"And it isn't true?" he raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest, "go on, then. Tell me that it isn't at all true."

She clenched her jaw and continued making her cereal without a word. 

Finn groaned, running a hand over his face, "For fucks sake, Millie! You can't just do that! You said it yourself last night, I'm no good and it is true. Don't put me on a pedestal and think that I will change for you."

"Who said I think that?" she asked quietly, her voice shaky. 

"You can't have feelings for me" Finn stated coldly, trying to make her understand. "You need to understand this because I am not going to say it again. You're giving me a place to stay and I appreciate that a lot, but that doesn't mean that I am yours now."

"I don't think you're mine!" Millie cried, tears filling her eyes. "I don't see you as some object, okay? I can't help how I feel, trust me I wish I didn't feel it."

"I am nobody to you" Finn spat harshly and her heart broke inside her chest, she could feel it crack in half leaving her unable to breath without her chest aching, "you need to understand that. You are just somebody who let me stay in your house, okay? Nothing more, nothing less."

Millie shook her head with a dark chuckle as another tear slipped down her cheek, "Trust me, I wish I had never let you in my house in the first place."

"Don't worry, I won't trouble you any longer" Finn shrugged carelessly, glaring at her once more before racing upstairs. 

Millie's heart dropped within her chest and it felt like the shards were getting stuck in her lungs, making her gasp for breath as she followed him. "What do you mean? Finn? What are you doing?"

She made it up to her bedroom where he had grabbed his bag, picking up the new clothes scattered over her desk for him and shoving them into the it angrily. He didn't spare her another glance as she watched him pack, before he grabbed his jacket, getting ready to leave her room once and for all. 

"Finn!" she cried, worried about his safety if he left, but so angry with him and hurt that she knew that she shouldn't even care. "Where are you going to go?" 

Finn looked at her one last time from over his shoulder and delivered his final blow. "What is it to you?" 

He slammed the door shut behind him and Millie collapsed on her bed, tears soaking her pillow as she hiccuped, so hurt that her entire body throbbed with pain as if she had taken physical blows. She whimpered and sobbed into her covers, the words playing on repeat in her head, that she was nothing to him and that he was nothing to her. 

Finn froze slightly by Millie's door as he heard her sobbing, his fist still tight around the door handle. He hesitated slightly, his body wanting to stop and run back in there to apologize. He ignored his instincts and let go of the handle shakily, her painful cries haunting him. 

He left her there, slamming the door shut behind him and Millie burst into more tears, knowing that she once again, had nobody. 


I think I may have broken your heart after giving you a chapter that probably made you smile and swoon...I do love to play with your emotions. But it is not realistic obviously for them to get together and be all happy, that would not be playing to the characters. Don't worry I might give you some happiness soon. 

Let me know what you think! Leave a comment and vote, love you all so much for your support and reads :)


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