eight - sunshine

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Millie had woken up with a frown once she remembered her parents were gone, her body immediately felt slightly colder and she looked around her empty room with a sigh. But that feeling quickly changed when her bedroom door opened and in walked Finn with two bowls of cereal, kicking the door shut gently with his foot. A small smile lit up her face as she realized that maybe she wasn't so alone after all. 

"Hi" she murmured gently. 

"I made you some cereal" Finn said awkwardly, putting it down on her bedside table. "Thought it was the least I could do after you letting me stay here."

"Thank you" Millie grinned softly at him and he scratched his neck nervously. He tended to freeze up around her a lot, she figured he wasn't used to being friends with someone and knowing that he could be himself instead of trying to put on an image. 

"What do you want to do today?" Finn asked after swallowing a mouthful of cereal, perching on the edge of her bed as she reached for her cereal. 

"Are you sure you want to go out?" Millie checked, glancing at him nervously. "Is it safe for you? With your dad and everyone watching?"

"Even if they did have more people watching me, they wouldn't do anything when you're there" Finn shook his head, "I know how they work. They wouldn't do anything in broad daylight in somewhere public."

She shrugged. "Then what do you want to do? Go and get some more stuff? Go out for a meal? You must be getting pretty sick of leftovers and cereal."

"I don't mind" Finn raised an eyebrow at her, leaving the decision up to her. He smiled lightly as she left the room to get ready in the bathroom. 

Underneath it all, he was just glad he had some company. 


"This?" Millie asked with a smirk, holding up a bright yellow sweatshirt with mini suns all over it. Finn gave her a hard look, wincing at the color of it. 

"That is basically you in a sweatshirt" Finn nodded absentmindedly, shivering and putting it back on the shelf. Millie slapped his arm playfully and laughed, and Finn couldn't help but smile lightly at the sound of her laugh, it was loud but sweet. 

"What about these?" she questioned, putting on some pink sunglasses that were shaped as hearts. Finn tilted his head and scanned her slowly. 

"You look cute in them" he shrugged and ignored the way that Millie gave him a strange look. He distracted her by throwing a black sweatshirt at her to put into the basket that she was carrying. She rolled her eyes again at his terrible choice in color, he seemed to only own navy and black, which contrasted greatly with his pale skin. 

Millie studied his profile intently, understanding why so many girls seemed to fawn over him. He had dark eyes with long eye lashes and cute freckles all over his nose and cheeks, sprinkled like candy but somehow not making him look childish. He looked dangerous despite the cute freckles, with sharp cheekbones and a prominent Adam's apple, dark eyes peeking out behind his black curly locks. If Millie was in their shoes, she would drag him upstairs by the collar and lock the door, but she was not them. 

She was Millie and he was Finn, and that was something that could never happen. 

On their way out of the shopping center, they stopped and grabbed some dinner in the nearby diner, Millie humming along gently to the sound of the jukebox. The waitress came over with a smile and took their orders, Finn ordering a huge amount of food that made Millie bite back a large smile. 

"I think I've seen you around" the waitress nodded at Millie with a kind smile, "your parents come here?"

"Maybe?" Millie frowned, "Mr and Mrs Brown?" 

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