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Taehyung's POV

The truth was never hidden from the beginning, we just never believed it.

How many months has it only been? Ten? Yet in that short amount of time we have seen all hell. And only a month ago the seven of us only thought of nothing but trying to survive and avoid Junseo as much as possible. We never knew of a cure to exist, but then it seems as though it was just a ruse, a false hope that kept us going for a bit. It left a bitter taste in our mouths.

I couldn't see anything, darkness invaded my vision. I could still hear though, however that still didn't help with how my body refused to move. What happened? The only memory I had before this was Jimin, Soyi and I were trying to tend Jungkook from bleeding too much while Namjoon scouted. It went by so fast. Next thing I knew, I felt something hard colliding with the back of my head.

"What the f*ck is happening here?!" I heard him, the one and only Yoongi. They were here too? How? I'm so confused, I don't understand...

I heard a few pleads afterwords, all must've been from the other members. Were they okay? What happened to Jungkook? He must've still been bleeding, maybe crying for someone to help him. Please be safe.

Like a miracle my eyes shot open, my vision no longer showed darkness. However I still couldn't move, my arms and legs seemed as if they were tied up pretty tightly. It felt like a snake had wrapped around me, squeezing my lungs until I can no longer breathe. I felt like suffocating, something heavy was on top of my body, depriving myself from fresh air. I realized why.

"H-Hyung please g-get off me," I squirmed underneath Jin, trying to roll away. It wasn't effective.

"Oh crap! Sorry Tae," Jin had rolled off of me, fresh air finally coming back into my lungs. I heaved a sigh of relief. As much as I wanted to celebrate from escaping being smothered, I had other things to worry about.

I let my eyes wonder, seeing all seven of us in a mysterious room. We were near a broken window, the sunlight was the only thing other than the single light bulb illuminating the place. There was no furniture, only a few empty boxes here and there as well as an old decrepit TV beside a medium-sized table. There was a cool breeze, informing me that we were possibly at the top floor of this building. My hands were tied by rope, same with the others. We were defenseless, our weapons were across the room and stripped off of us. 

"I see you're finally awake," a familiar voice echoed across the room. Their figure stayed away from the light, hiding away with the shadows. Another person was right beside them, however they remained silent. She stepped out, yet nobody was surprised as she came into view. We should've believed Jin, the person who had warned us more than once.  

Soyi held a tube in her hand, containing a strange substance. "Looking for this? It seemed like this liquid is really important for your group to be sacrificing their lives for this," her voice was honeyed, trying to hide the betrayal that she committed. No how much she was acting nice, it was never true from the start.

She began shaking it, tossing it from hand to hand. It gave us anxiety, considering the antidote was in her hands now. If it were to slip it would break, wasting our time and effort into tracking the so called cure. It was torture to have to see it being played around.

I refused to look. I was far disappointed to be blinded and be tricked into thinking that every survivor that we meet were nice. Junseo had proved it wrong, so why weren't we cautious with meeting Soyi? Was it because she was begging to be saved at the start? Or was it because she was good at acting - lying? 

"All along the antidote was actually closer than you thought. How unfortunate you didn't realize it sooner," she continued, locking her dark eyes with mine then wandering over to Jin. She frowned, no longer hiding her disgust. "Don't think I don't remember you, Jin. You almost ruined my act. I was so close into just killing you but then that would go against father's wishes."

Father? Was he the one ordering her to get us? But why? I don't remember anyone having a daughter. Whoever that may be, he must have a huge grudge against us to spend his time making our lives bitter hell than it already was.

"Why are you doing this?" Jimin whispered, yet everyone heard it as the room was quiet.

"Didn't I tell you? Father instructed me to do this. I wouldn't be a great daughter if I never followed his orders," Soyi once again giggled. She annoyingly walked around in circles, perhaps trying to distract us from the figure at the end of the room. Oh don't think we didn't remember him, he was most likely part of their shenanigans.

Soyi was obviously a daddy's girl, never wishing to disobey and always wanting to please her father. I don't normally have a problem with that, however if you bring that into a situation like this, it would seem like she had a complex. I get that she loves him as he was the person who raised her, but having to follow every command without a second thought as to wonder if it was ever beneficial to surviving or just pure hatred was out of question. At this point this was obsession. Sick love.

She slowly walked closer to us, examining how we struggled to be comfortable with the hard cold floor. She looked amused, seeing how the rope that kept us bonded still was holding on. Crouching at our eye level, her eyes stared straight at us.

"Now that I realized, I never told any of you my full name have I? Well nice to meet you, I'm Lee Soyi!"


Gosh this chapter is so late. I got a little bit of writer's block sorry. I was also debating on how the story would end too. At the beginning I did have a solid way of ending this book but it just so happens that my brain also couldn't think of a proper idea. How was your Christmas everyone? I finally got rest after so many busy days of non-stop studying. Also, happy birthday Taehyung!!! 💜💜💜

See ya next chapter~

Antidote || BTS AU ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon