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Taehyung POV

"Shit! Go upstairs. Now," Yoongi yelled, frightening both Hoseok and I. We didn't ask and followed instructions. Running back up the stairs, I looked behind. Yoongi ran as fast as he could, a swarm of walking corpses hot on his tail. Beads of sweat trailed down his face, he looked as scared as we were.

Taking the last step, I waited for him to catch up so I could close the door. He sped up, then once making it at the second floor, he helped me close the stair doors closed shut. Despite being closed, the living corpses refused to give up and proceeded hit the door. Hoseok came up beside us, leaning on the barrier keeping us from the hungry dead.

"Taehyung, go see if there's a exit here!" Hoseok shouted, his voice laced with panic. Shaken, I ran through the place, trying to see any possible exits.

This place looked like a maze, every twist and turn looked the same. However, due to the shelves being somewhat empty, I could see the where I was going. From what I gathered, there isn't another way down. The only way out was the windows. Getting out from the window we entered was a big no, it would be too dangerous.

I looked around, noticing that this hardware store was very close to another building through the window. A brilliant, yet dangerous plan entered my brain. I ran around to see if there was anything long enough and sturdy enough to walk on. Seeing a wooden plank on the corner I picked it up. I strode over to a window that was faced from the other building. Smashing the glass frame, it attracted the zombies from the street at the ground level.

I raised the heavy wooden plank over the window, placing one side at the brim of the other building while the other side placed on the window sill. The plank looked sturdy enough to walk on. This better work, or else we would be dead meat, literally.

Panting, I ran back to where my older teammates were shielding the door. I heard multiple curses, possibly more from Yoongi. They were still at the same place, trying as hard as they can to keep the zombies from entering.

"I found a way out! I put a plank over the two buildings to walk on," I yelled, gulping down my anxiety.

Looking satisfied by my answer, Yoongi and Hoseok looked at each other, nodding their heads for their cue to run. "On the count of three, we run. I'll go last so the two of you can go first," Yoongi said, his voice wavering.

"One.....two....three, run!"

I ran first so they can follow me to where the window was. I heard the door break open, the sounds of growls from the swarm grew louder. Running across the room, I looked back, checking if the two were behind me.

Yoongi was last like he said. He stopped for a split second, pushing a shelve down on the ground to slow the horde of zombies and then continuing to catch up to us. Successfully, the zombies tripped over the shelve, then tripping on the others that were on the ground. This gave us extra time to run away.

Arriving to our destination, I let Hoseok go first since if he was last he would go slow. At first he seemed hesitant, but I managed to convince him that he should go since he knew if he didn't, we'd all die. Standing on top of the plank, he took a deep breath and began walking to the other side, ignoring the hungry dead from the bottom at ground level. Once he made, it was my turn to go. Steadily as possible, I quickly walked towards the building, Hoseok giving me hand.

Looking back, Yoongi was the last, his figure making towards us. The horde caught up, an inch from the window. Yoongi noticed, he walked faster on the wooden plank. Just when he was at the edge, the zombies somehow managed to push the plank. Panicking, Hoseok and I quickly grabbed on to Yoongi's hands, barely missing. He cursed as he felt the plank drop.

"Don't worry, we got you," I reassured. We pulled him up, my heart raising from what just happened. I felt relieved, breathing heavily.

"We have to get back to the base," said Hoseok, also panting. He stood up, looking around the building.

We looked around the area if it was clear. Fortunately, there was only two zombies, so we quickly took them out. The bottom floor was surprisingly clear too, the only evidence of the walkers were bloodstains but nothing else than that. Despite being near the horde of zombies outside, the back exit was clear enough to escape.

As stealthy as possible, Yoongi, Hoseok, and I ran back to the direction of the base. We held our weapons close the whole way back, never letting our guard down. From the looks of it, it was currently eleven, the same time Namjoon wanted us to return.

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