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The search for the antidote had been on hold for several days, and so did everything involving that. I just hope we'd continue before anymore trouble occurs. Ever since we escaped Junseo's territory, we haven't heard anything from them. It was weird in a way, we didn't kill them a̶l̶t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ ̶w̶e̶ ̶s̶h̶o̶u̶l̶d̶'̶v̶e̶ yet, it didn't seem they'd come back for revenge. We avoided the territory as much as we can when we scouted for food and supplies.

During these two days, I noticed that Soyi girl warming up to Namjoon than the others. I don't know what is between those two, but I don't like it one bit. I'm not jealous, I'm just not used to these things...

"Is it just me or have you always been this quiet?" I looked up, seeing Hoseok smiling down at me. I must admit, I too didn't know I could stay this still.

"Hoseok, what do you think of Soyi? I can't help but feel disturbed in a way when she's near. Even I don't know why I hate her, something in my gut just told me to. I know I sound stupid to feel hatred over someone who has been treating us with kindness and gratitude....," I trailed off, trying to hide away my guilt. Hatred is a strong word. It felt so wrong, yet it felt so right.

I sighed, knowing that I won't get any answers to my problem. Was I just being too judging? Perhaps.

"Is this due to the fact that Namjoon is ignoring you?" He blurted out. I mean, he isn't wrong. But I also hated it when the others would still eat Soyi's cooking over mine. My cooking is made to be perfect, so perfect Gordon Ramsay would be replaced by me.

"No," I simply said, although I'm pretty sure he knows better. "Forget what I said. We need to search for that antidote, doing nothing all day is boring," I continued.

Hoseok hummed, agreeing. He tilted his head to the side, making me do the same. It was only Hoseok, Yoongi and I in the the base, the others left to go try to search for Soyi's group. Namjoon never really said we can't go watch the tape, he only ever said to keep our mouth shout whenever Soyi is around.

Standing up from my chair, I strode over to the very old TV. I remembered Jimin hid the tapes in the corner, separated with all the other VHS so they won't be confused with the others.

Carefully inserting the tape in the DVD thing, I turned on the old TV. The two boys sat behind me, Hoseok having to look outside for a moment to see if Namjoon and the others came back.

As like all the previous videos, this one started with a static sound, soon replaced with the grunt of Dr. Lee. He looked exhausted in this one, the dark rings under his eyes never leaving his face.

He seemed stressed out, his white hair blowing past his face ever so often. I noticed the farther we looked at these clips, the more the surroundings got messier and slightly got scarier in a way. I guess it's due to how the outbreak was getting close.

As Dr. Lee was about to speak, a loud bang of the metal door echoed throughout the small base. Startled, I looked back at Hoseok and Yoongi. Panic started to riot in my gut, knowing that Namjoon or the others would never start aggressively banging on the door. But if it isn't them, then who?

They stopped, the sound from outside got softer and softer. However, the footsteps from the other side grew, until it made contact with the door that kept us safe. A loud chink sound erupted as it made contact with the hard wall, pieces of concrete from the wall fell as they were chipped off from impact.

I could hear my heart beating fast, echoing inside my head. From the familiar figure standing in front of us, I could already tell nothing will end happily. I felt myself frozen on spot, my cowardly body refusing to move an inch.

I heard someone curse beside me. Usually, I would scold them for using profanities, however nothing in me felt the need to do so. I had better things to worry about, and those things are Junseo standing with a venomous glare towards us.

I kinda guessed from the start he'd soon make his way over here, hungry for revenge. From the looks of his clothing and expression, those two days left him almost getting killed. The zombie horde must've almost got him when him and his troop's unconscious bodies laid inside the cafe. I bet some did get infected, a few people were missing from his troops behind him. I would pity, but my mind gave up on it.

"You little shits think you could get away from me? After those few days you left us battling for our lives, I don't think I could resist to rip you to pieces myself," Junseo sternly said, his head hanging low. His fist were balled, fists shaking in anger. I noticed a scar on his cheek.

"Where are they?! Where is that stupid leader of yours and that tiny mutt?" he continued. His words stung me like a bee, knowing he's referring to Namjoon and Jimin. I wanted to choke him so badly, my hands wrapping around his fragile neck and just let myself rid of this hindrance. If only I had the guts to do so, this would be over by now.

Hoseok stood up behind me, "They're not here, it's only us."

Junseo's face scrunched up in annoyance. I could tell he wasn't pleased with the answer Hobi gave him. However, he suddenly looked calm, his frown turning into a wicked smirk as he entered the base with his hands back. He was holding onto something, and I don't like it one bit.

"Well that is unfortunate, I was hoping he'd see this while I'm here - but this'll do. Him seeing his three friend's bodies all dropped dead will surely haunt his mind, a great way to start my revenge, don't you think?" He started chuckling, the sound sent chills up my spine. I bit my lower lip, trying to think of a way to get out of this mess. However, due to this unexpected turn of events, my mind couldn't think properly, the state of panic and worry chained inside.

My eyes widen, heart still racing. Junseo showed us what he was holding behind his back. The square object laid comfortable on his hand, the timer ticking ever so calmly despite what will eventually happen. A bomb. How did he get this? Those things were never allowed to be accessed to the public, yet here he was, holding a real one. I don't know how he got it, but if we stay we'd turn into chicken nuggets.

"Oh don't think about running away now, just to let you know since I'm nice and all, if you decide to leave and open this door, the bomb explodes. It's quite sensitive, so even if you did just touch the door, it'll blast your bodies off," and with that last word, Junseo evilly walked back up to the main floor. His smirk never left his face even when he closed the door.

I looked at the two members beside me, our worried faces turned into fear. This whole base along with us, will no longer exist once Namjoon and the rest returns. We don't have anywhere to escape, our hope died down. This was it, after nine months of pure torture our lives will end here, along with the many memories we shared. Even if we only had two minutes left to live, I want to die knowing at least not all of us will be dead, they will continue to live, even if three are not present....


And that is it for chapter 14! I do hope you guys enjoy despite this story and plot is trash. I'm sorry, I'm actually new to to writing fanfics, I was always the silent reader type. My grammar is probably wrong too! Oof. Also, Happy Halloween everyone! I do hope you guys have fun eating diabetes and dressing in costumes! (▰˘◡˘▰) I kinda want to post another chapter this same week, but It'll depend since I also plan these things out on a separate sheet of paper.

See ya next chapter~

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