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No One POV

Namjoon was fueled with anger, his composure withered away.

These moments were rare, he was usually calm and collected. He would solve problems without using too much violence. However, Junseo clicked a few buttons, resulting this God of Destruction to burst in flames.

He was eager to wipe out Junseo and his troops if no zombie or other person would, not caring if he'd be called a monster or a murder after. His mind tainted with twisted thoughts.

Jimin looked outside, seeing the horde of zombies finding their way in. He quickly signaled the others, letting them know the incoming invasion. He made no attempt in killing any, knowing that he'd just attract more attention to themselves.

"Hyung, we need to go, they're coming," Jimin whispered, head darting between the window and his members. He was worried, worried for their safety and Namjoon's state of mind. From the looks of it, he won't be able to calm down soon unless he's seen Seokjin or the other two.

Nonetheless, Namjoon followed, reminding himself that his actions shouldn't be driven by anger and wrath. He didn't calm down as much, but less enough to understand the situation they were in.

There was nothing to salvage around the base, only the debris and dust littered the floor. 

Running upstairs - the others trailing behind - Namjoon stopped in the middle of the hallway. His eyes locked on the pounding door, soon bursting open to release the hungry dead into the abandoned school.

He turned the other way, running with the others to find another exit. He feared something like this would happen, where there were less places to escape from. It gave him another reason to be guilty.

Running out of breath, Namjoon made sure the younger ones were in front of him and away from the zombies. He didn't care if his body was aching, didn't care if his knees wanted to give up on him. He prioritized the other's safety more than his.

"There! There's an open window inside that classroom," Taehyung shouted, his finger pointing towards the room. He didn't waste time on pushing the entrance door open, letting the others in before him. After they made it through, he then slammed the door back shut, leaning a chair under the doorknob.

Jungkook tried to pry the window open, with no luck he failed. He tried a couple times but it had the same result as the first one. By now everyone was worried, afraid this was their final moment.

Pounding and moaning behind the door erupted, getting everyone's attention. Jimin cursed, trying to help the younger boy with busting the window open, but with no luck it stayed glued shut. What a bitch. 

Having enough, Jungkook threw a chair at the window, using his full force to smash it open. It worked. Glass shattered, spraying across the room. He smirked, happy to know his planned worked.

Without a waste of time, the five bolted over, landing on the bushes from outside. Taehyung however accidentally injured himself, getting a cut from one of the shards still on the window. He shrugged it off however, it didn't hurt him that much to whine about it.

Soyi was awfully quiet the whole time, her facial expression only showing worry and fear. She was like a doll, pretty yet useless. It made her sad to think that she couldn't do anything to help. She wished she was strong enough, to at least help with coming up an idea or plan on how to find Jin or the others.

"Where do we go now? Our base is completely destroyed, not to mention swarmed with zombies," asked Taehyung, still had his hand over his wound. He ripped a piece of his shirt, tying that piece to his cut and tying it to stop the bleeding. At this point his arm was a bit numb from the pain, having experienced far worse.

"We go to Junseo's base. I want answers, need them. I want to know what he did to the others," Namjoon answered back, his voice deep and menacing. It scared the others, knowing how all this would end in a blood bath.


The group made it in front of the bridge connecting to Junseo's territory. It was like how they left it to be, still littered of dead corpses and destroyed cars. 

As if on time, a familiar figure appeared, a familiar troop by his side. They were all armed, ready to shoot anything they despise. Ready to murder the people they hated.

Namjoon didn't budge from his spot, neither did the others. He faced them before, he could do the same now. He wasn't afraid to fall into murder, there was no such thing in this dying world. At this point in time, it was either kill or be killed and be infected.

"What did you do to them?!" Namjoon yelled, his eyes locked onto his enemy. He didn't show any fear, refusing to hint any possibility of worry in his eyes. He was unreadable, the emotion of anger was the only visible emotion on his face.

Junseo was left utterly confused, then realized what he meant. He smirked.

"I killed them of course, what else? They were weak, cried and begged to be released. Even that Yoongi shit begged," Junseo taunted, tilted his head to show superiority. 

Namjoon was not convinced at all. Jin, Hoseok and Yoongi giving up? Oh please, that had to be one of the most stupidest thing he heard all month. He knew what everyone was capable of, and he knew they were still alive and kicking.

"Cut the act, tell me where they are," He was calmer, yet his voice was laced with venom. He was still standing still in his place, refusing to move an inch. His fist clenched, knuckles turning white.

Sighing, Junseo clicked his tongue in annoyance. He wanted to see their tears, to hear their agony. "I'll the say the truth, I don't know," he said.

In a blink of an eye, Namjoon had his fist colliding with the jaw of the man before him. He was't tolerating anyone's bullshit today, he'd had enough with the act. He felt livid, every ounce in his body pressured him to just kill Junseo.

"If you lay one hand on Jin, or any of them - I'm not afraid to kill you. I should've from the start..."


OOOf! I'm so sorry this was a crappy chapter, it was already night when I typed this up. However, I also have good news for those who were patient and waited for a few months for this (I'm sorry!). The first chapters for Mellifluous are up! So if you have time, please go look up on that. And as always, thank you for reading and have a nice day!

See ya next chapter~

Also....500 READS IM-
Have you guys watched Burn the Stage yet? The movie made me love them even more! I rate it 292827832992 out of 10.

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