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No One POV

"23 bullets, that's all we got," Yoongi counted the remaining ammo stored in his backpack, loading the guns that he took. He was a bit irritated, having the base destroyed affected not only their use of protection, but it also affected their survival. It was quite annoying in his opinion, the many items inside played a big part of how they were coping with everything. It was unfortunate that those memories in the base were forever lost by a single explosion.

He rummaged through the old backpack, making sure that the weapons were safely stored away. He made sure they were in a position so they won't accidentally turn off, he couldn't risk it. 

"What do we do now? Namjoon and the others are still back there, probably already freaking out we're not there. I really hope nothing bad has happened to them," Hoseok murmured, playing with the hem of his stained sweater. He hated being sad, it wasn't him to be sad. He was supposed to be the one to bring hope to the group, but how can he do that now when he's the one who lost hope?

His hair was still a bit messy from the explosion, a bit of dust sprinkled on top of his soft hair. His body was still recovering from earlier, the impact from the eruption knocked his figure over, landing on the hard underground pavement. His hand trailed over to the nasty bruise on his arm, rubbing it to reduce the pain.

Not to far from Hoseok, Jin sat down with his eyes glued on his bag. He opened it to find the couple of cans and water bottle he somehow managed to scavenge. The fringe of his hair covered the empty glaze over his eyes. He felt guilt swell up inside, not afraid to bloom. He knows that it wasn't really his fault that the base was destroyed, but he couldn't help it. He was never the type to start a fight, nor kill someone. It was not his nature. However, what really killed him deep down was that he couldn't stop Junseo. Not an inch of his body would respond when it came down to just killing the man despite his mind screaming.

Jin doubted himself and his abilities. He thought he was just good at making food and making stupid dad jokes. He felt himself be a burden to the group, to the boys. Yet, they always never leave him behind to die. He was grateful. So that's why he always tried his best to make it up, to always promise himself when one had to go, he would volunteer. For the sake of the other's safety

"Do you think finding the next tape would make me useful?" he asked, his voice low and laced with shame. He refused to look at the two, despite their eyes locked on his form. He fidgeted with his thumbs, biting his lips in the process.

"What?" Hoseok quickly answered back, rethinking what his hyung had said. He raised his eyebrows, "Who said were useless?"

"No one....It's just tha-"

"Hyung, listen to yourself. Where did 'Worldwide Handsome' go? I don't understand how you'd doubt yourself like that. You have taught us many things, helped us survive in this world that was left to rot. So why doubt?" Yoongi interrupted Jin, his voice was firm yet hinted disbelief. A heavy sigh escaped his lips, looking away in worry. He had already put away the weapons he was cleaning, the bag slung on his shoulders.

Jin looked up, meeting the two people he was left to protect, "I'm sorry, these several days have been an utter mess. With Soyi always sticking to Namjoon like a leach we couldn't continue our search. Not only that, but he has been been ignoring me more than usual. I can't blame him though, I was selfish and acted like a child despite being the oldest -" he stopped mid-sentence, dusting the dust from his sweater after he stood up, "- It was wrong of me to dislike someone with pure intentions," he ended.

Hoseok knew how restless Jin was for the past few days, he took notes. He remembered how Jin would be more quiet than usual, how he would just often watch the others have fun. It made him sad to see a member also sad.

"I mean, you weren't wrong, hyung. Soyi really did seem suspicious. She was stuck by Joon's side 24/7. At first I thought she was just a bit wary of the rest of us and was just a bit more comfortable with Namjoon, but then I took notice she was soon avoiding us," Hoseok admitted. He stopped for awhile, trying to remember what he was going to say. It was important. He grew impatient, thinking hard on what was he was going to say. He paced around, almost accidentally hitting a pole.

Finally, his head whipped to the side, facing the two. He gave a squeak, remembering the important details he was going to say, "I forgot to mention, a few days ago I heard her talking to someone. She had a walkie-talkie with her, something that even I didn't realize."

"What did she say?" Yoongi responded, curious as to who was at the end of the device.

"I didn't hear much, only a few words but good enough for me to believe something was wrong," Hoseok looked straight at Jin then back at Yoongi.

"She said something in the lines of 'Almost, father. Give me a bit more time"


Sorry if this chapter was a bit late, I was working on some other things... Anyway This book is almost ending sadly. I really enjoyed writing this despite it seeming really bland for the earlier chapters. I would love to read your comments so please don't be shy! And as always, thank you for reading and have a nice day!

See ya next chapter~

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