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No One POV

"No one is hurt, correct?" Namjoon sighed, his hand messing his hair up. He slouched on the chair, arms resting on his legs.

"Correct. From what I know, none of us had been bitten," Yoongi reported back, his head resting on his hands. He was laying on the couch, not giving any room for the others to sit with him. Tiredly, he made contact with Taehyung and Hoseok, eyeing them to make sure his thought was true. No scratches, nor bite mark seemed to be on them, only the blood of the zombies they had killed.

"There was a huge horde of infected surrounding a building next to ours, so making past them was difficult. We could have tried to go in the buildings, but we were afraid if we'd be stuck there when the horde tries to get us. Getting around would be useless too, I couldn't see where the horde of zombies stopped," Taehyung breathed out, a bottle of water in his hand.

Namjoon thought for a bit, trying to think of a good plan to get past the swarm of walking corpses without harming anyone. Fortunately, the zombies were not known to be fast walkers, they were after all dead. Yet despite being slow, they were deadly, especially in large groups. One bite, game over. He couldn't forget about the survivors lurking around too. They were not less any dangerous than the rotten corpses, they were smart - alive. Probably much more dangerous, with guns, and were able to move, think faster than any zombie to ever walk the Earth.

It only had been a day when they found the tape, and only been a day to trust it so easily. Namjoon doubted himself, should he really believe the VHS? What if there really was no antidote to this infestation of the dead? For all he knows, the tape could be a game that teens made up for a scavenger hunt or a stupid game. But, something in him doubted he'd stop trying to find these tapes.

'If there's no tape in that building, then I'll give up. Just this last, I want to make sure the VHS was telling us something,' He thought. He was desperate, desperate for answers. 'Screw it.'

"We're all going to the lab. I don't want to hear any objections, nor whining from any one of you. I know the horde will probably still be waiting for our return, however, I already have a plan for that-" 'No I don't.' "-and this will determine whether the tape really was something that could lead us to the so called antidote," Namjoon said, making eye contact with everyone. He knows everyone didn't really believe the stupid tape, but they have no choice but to follow his orders. "Jungkook, do you still have that air-horn? We'll need it," he continued.

"Hell yeah," the younger boy answered.

"Watch your fucking mouth Jeon Jungkook!" Jin shouted, his eyes bore into Jungkook's, staring into his soul.

Frightened, the younger boy looked down, avoiding the burning glare from his hyung, "S-Sorry Hyung, please forgive me!"

"Ahem-" Namjoon looked frustrated, "-as I was saying, Jungkook and Jimin are going to be our distraction, they'll be using that air-horn - stop laughing! I know it sounds really stupid, but we gotta use it somehow! The two of you will run the other way, just far enough for the rest of us to get inside the lab. The rest of the plan will be revealed later when we arrive our destination," he sighed, leaning back on his chair. Fortunately, the living dead we'rent good at running, nor walking, making it possible for both boys to make it out without a scratch. The only problem is, if they end up at a dead end. If Jungkook and Jimin were to end up at a closed alley, surely there would be no way out.

'Jimin and Jungkook aren't dumb, they are not going to go into a dead end, that's suicide,' he thought, doubt rising up his throat. He hoped, hoped this stupidity wont last long.

"Alright, pack up, get your weapons, we're going to that lab," Namjoon finally said before he himself got up his chair, striding his way over to his backpack. He looked behind him, seeing everyone obeying him with tired movements. As far as he knows, it would be one of the riskiest things he'd planned ever since the outbreak.


I hate editing stories, they take too loonnngggg. Fortunately, after editing all the others, I won't have to struggle with new chapters.

See ya next chapter~

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