Chapter 12

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Raven's POV
Since when that fucktard Jonas abruptly came to my home last week, he's been sending me endless bouquets of flowers and apology notes.

Most of all, I hate roses and what's his game because these all seem so sudden.

I kindly return his roses after burning them with a note saying if he doesn't stop sending roses he will finally see what I'm capable of.

I swear Jonas think that I'm still into him and I'm just playing hard to get.

First of all, I never was, I did find him attractive, and I only went out with him because of peer pressure. Which could make someone do things they don't want and might regret later on.

'Slay trip or you'll get eliminated' My cell phone starts to play my ringtone that line is my favorite part of the song and 'Always stay gracious, best revenge is your paper' I love Beyoncé and her unique lyrics, I mean who doesn't?

Now back to my phone ringing I picked it up.

"Hey Raven there seems to be an issue in one of the restaurants in the upper east side and there is this rude ass blondie that says she has something to say to you and will not stop her commotion until the owner gets here, the manager of the restaurant called me to inform you that" Lucy tells me with a slight trace of anger in her voice.

"Oh thank you so much, Lucy, I wonder who it is, I'm gonna be on my way now," I tell Lucy after thanking her.

Oh, this is gonna be a long ass ride if I take my car from my house which is at Long Island all the way to the city and NYC traffic is no joke so I'm gonna be taking my motorcycle.

I went into my closet and picked out a casual biker girl outfit, which consisted of a black leather jacket, ripped blue jeans, black leather booties and a brown scarf.

There was lil to no makeup on my face, I took my hair out of the African print bonnet and combed my straightened hair out.

I went into my garage and picked out my recently bought motorcycle and I only rode her once and she is as fast as the wind.

Time Skip...

It took me half an hour to get to the Manhattan restaurant.

Immediately as I walked in the manager runs up to me.

"Good afternoon Ms. Jones" He greeted and I did the same back.

"So, where is the person that was causing a commotion about wanting to see me" Before he could say anything a tall blonde in a expensive looking dress walks up to us with a glare in her electric eyes.

"Hello, Raven remember me Rachel Antonio's girlfriend" Rachel a.k.a Ms. Goldie the name Luke, Amara and I gave her.

I laughed at her the minute she proclaimed my fiancé's as her boyfriend.

After, I barely gathered myself to stop laughing, I lead her to my office because I'm really curious about what the she has to say.

"So Ms. Rachel, if I remember correctly my staff called and told me you were causing a ruckus in my restaurant, why is that?" I asked her in my professional tone.

"This was the only way to get your attention" Rachel told me whilst looking around my office interior.

"You got my attention now, what can I help you with?" I politely asked.

"I will bluntly say this to you Raven stay away from Antonio he's mine!" I knew that it wouldn't take long till the she cracked her nice acting.

I leaned forward on my seat with the hand that had my ring on it resting on that table to make her notice of the rock on my finger.

"Oh honey, no can do didn't you hear the news I'm engaged now" Rachel's eyes widen and she started laughing at me.

"Who would want to marry you? I'm really curious" I paid her no mind and continued.

"You see this ring on me was given to me by your "boyfriend" which I know dumped your cheating ass a year ago after finally catching you in the act. I know that you've been pointlessly begging him to take you back and let me tell you it makes you look pathetic" I told Rachel with my tone unwavering.

"I know you're lying bitch Antonio will never want you because he loves me, we're just in a rough place right now" Rachel gets up from her seat stalking towards me and I just leaned back in my looking at her because I know she ain't gon do shit.

"Rachel I will advise you to stop this foolishness, chasing after an engaged man, coming to my restaurant and making a scene for what? It make you look stupid, cheap and you should be ashamed of yourself now get out of my restaurant before I fuck you up" I tell her in a condescending tone.

"You will regret this Raven for not listening to me" Rachel walks back to the seat in front of my desk and grabbed her bag slamming the door once she exited.

I shrugged my shoulders minutes later Antonio walks in my office.

"Hello darling" Toni greets me with a
He's matching with me with his leather jacket and black ripped jeans and black ankle boots.

"Was that Rachel I saw walking out your office?" Toni asks me after giving me a hug and a kiss on my cheek he still hasn't earned my lips yet

"Yes and I took care of that" I told him smiling widely.

"I know you did" Toni winked and leaned in to kiss me on the lips and I let him.

Ugh, why did he have to look so hot?

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