Yoongi grinned and held the camera up, starting a recording. “Here I welcome the handsome Park Jimin, at the beginning of his road to stardom. Mr Park, how are you feeling?” Yoongi held a can of deodorant out to Jimin as a makeshift mic, and Jimin rolled his eyes and bent forward mid stretch (his flexibility never ceases to impress Yoongi) to put his lips close to the “mic”.

“Like my boyfriend is just the biggest dork in the world.” Jimin continued stretching as Yoongi chuckled and continued to check his equipment. Jimin sat down on the floor, legs spread straight out in a v, and Yoongi sat down as well, knowing Jimin would like help with this stretch. He took Jimin's hands and sat back slowly, allowing Jimin's back to stretch out.

“Your dad said he'll be waiting in the auditorium. I'll give him my camera to record you dancing, and I'll wait backstage for you.” Jimin was stretched forward so much, his nose was almost touching the floor. They held that position for a while as Jimin breathed deeply, Yoongi finding himself subconsciously following Jimin's breathing pattern, before Jimin started going back, Yoongi following him.

“You're like a proud mom,” Jimin chuckled, not letting go of Yoongi's hands quite yet, admiring the rivers of blue veins beneath his paper white skin.

“More like a proud daddy,” Yoongi smirked and sat back again, but Jimin responded by sitting back himself and, due to his more muscular figure, Yoongi was easily overpowered and pulled back, his eyes widening. He looked up at Jimin's shit-eating smirk, and he knew exactly that Jimin was thinking about: But hyung, you're such a good bottom. Yoongi let go of Jimin's hands and laid back, breathing a bit laboured. “I know exactly what you're thinking, and I'm going to prove you wrong tonight, Park Jimin.”

Jimin grinned and stood up, holding his hand out to Yoongi. Yoongi gladly accepted and was pulled up against Jimin, their noses almost touching, small smiles on their faces. Jimin took his hand through Yoongi's soft, bubblegum blue hair. He liked the strange colours on Yoongi. He's seen pictures of Yoongi's pink hair, green hair, red hair, even bleach blond hair, and decided that he liked any colour on Yoongi.

Yoongi and Jimin continued to talk as Jimin stretched, Yoongi occasionally helping him (but Yoongi was mostly enjoying the sight of Jimin being bent over in the strangest and most creative of positions). When the dancers started being called out, Jimin visibly tensed. He was mid stretch when it happened, and shot upright almost immediately. Yoongi's eyes widened and he put his hand on Jimin's shoulder. “You little shit, you could've hurt yourself!” He noticed, however, the narrow space between Jimin's eyebrows, and his face softened. “Come sit by me, you've stretched enough.”

Yoongi was sitting on a plastic chair, so Jimin sat down between Yoongi's legs on the ground, his back to his hyung. Yoongi started massaging Jimin's shoulders after handing Jimin his earphones and phone to listen to some music. Jimin was breathing slowly, and his breathing slowed even more when Yoongi stopped massaging and instead started slowly caressing the hairs at the back of Jimin's neck, the soft tickling sensation causing a relaxed feeling to wash over him.

Jimin took one earphone out, tilting his head up to look at Yoongi. Yoongi smiled sincerely, taking his slender fingers over Jimin's face, his thumb tracing the curve of Jimin's bottom lip, all the colours of the sunrise exploding in Jimin's eyes. 'I love you', Yoongi mouthed, slowly and emphasising each letter. 'I love you too,' Jimin replied, giggling along with Yoongi afterwards, kissing his palm.

“Park Jimin?” Someone called from the entrance of the studio. Both Yoongi and Jimin stood up immediately. “You're up next, come with me so long.”

Jimin nodded and turned to Yoongi, panic in his eyes. Yoongi took Jimin's hands in his and kissed his plump fingers. “You got this, Jimin. I'll be right with you. I believe in you. You know...”

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