Chapter Sixty-Three

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[Wristbands: Chapter Sixty-Three]

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[Wristbands: Chapter Sixty-Three]

          The morning was dreary. It drizzled for hours straight, and the color of the clouds matched the depressing atmosphere that Aspen felt in her heart. She wore a black dress that went down to her knees, on top she wore a small black jacket. Around her neck she had a dark grey scarf, matching her attire. She looked at herself in the mirror, she gained a few pounds ever since the pregnancy and Merlin, her boobs seemed to have enlarged a size. She felt odd wearing that dress, it shaped around her body perfectly. It didn't seem like the proper attire for a funeral, but it was all she had.

       The last funeral she had been to was four years before; her mother's funeral. She didn't know if it was bad or good that she could barely remember it. All she could remember were small flashes of when she was greeting people, or when she watched her father walk ahead of her, as if he were trying to get away from her.

     Aspen didn't know how to act, or what to do. She didn't know if she should bring flowers, or just a gift for the family. So instead, she got both. She didn't even know if the box of fancy two-pound chocolates she bought passed as a proper funeral gift, but it was too late too change it.

     She couldn't stop staring at her body in the mirror as she waited for Sirius to finish up getting ready. Cassie sat in her crib beside Aspen, enticed by the floating elephant toys hovering over her. A little whine from her three and a half month old daughter caused her to break out of her daze. Aspen walked over to her and lifted her up into her arms. Cassie cuddled into Aspens shoulder and Aspen hugged her back, trying her hardest not to cry.

       A hand on her shoulder nearly made Aspen jump, she turned to see Sirius with a sad expression on his face as he squeezed her shoulder. She leaned her head into his shoulder, and he hugged both her and Cassie. Aspen sniffed, and walked out of her boyfriends arms. "I think it's time to go, do we have everything?"

       "It's all in a bag out in the kitchen," Sirius replied. Aspen nodded and left her daughters room, Cassie still in her arms. Sirius followed behind her as they entered the living room. Wendy laid on the couch, a beige blanket on her legs as she watched the muggle news. Upon her arrival, Wendy jumped up. Aspen smiled thankfully as she handed Cassie to Wendy who immediately cradled the little girl. Wendy wanted to say something, but she couldn't make anything out. Aspen only smiled and nodded, knowing what the girl wanted to say.

       Wendy slowly sat back down on the couch, Cassie relaxing in her arms. She changed the tv channel to something more happier, also known as an American cartoon that they could barely understand due to the accent. But babies couldn't understand anything anyway, so it was fine. Sirius went over and grabbed the bag, he then said goodbye to his daughter and entwined his fingers between Aspens. Aspen gave a small wave to her daughter and then they both apparated away with a snap.

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