Kusuo x Shonen Maid

Start from the beginning

I stopped seeing and I can't hear anything, as someone grabs my hands and drags me away.

Time Skip

My eyes start to peer open again. I look around to see a nice room that was sparkling Chihiro must have cleaned it. I'm leaning against the foot of a sofa with no one else nearby. I got up and use clairvoyance to find the other two. There is a large room cleaning it all and next door a different cleaned out room.

It must be for Chihiro and I. I walk over to the room there cleaning. Madoka and Keiichiro turn around. As the raven-haired man chuckles remembering when I passed out because of a bug, Madoka starts speaking. "You're finally awake! Who knew a bug can knock you out cold for an entire day!" He spoke happily. . . wait. . . hold it. . . an entire day? "Kusuo, are you okay." His secretary walks up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. "What day is it?" I barely choke out while trying to keep a straight face. "Well it's Wednesday of course," he says again. Oh shit, mom is gonna rip me apart. "Well I'll just wait to be killed by my mom tomorrow," I say sighing under my breath and knowing that it would only be worse.

The secretary laughed, and picked up a phone and walked out the door. He stands outside quietly then he starts to speak "Yes Mrs. Saiki, I understand, I'll try" He then laughs and comes back in closing his phone. "Well, I just called you she says that it's fine and that you'll come on Friday to your home." He smiles, that's not good. "She also asked me to find you a girlfriend, since your to 'anti-social'." he laughs again. Air quoting what my mom said.

I sigh and grab a towel. "The room is already clean through," Madoka says. I walk to the windowsill grab cotton and drag it along the surface. I showed it to them the once clean cotton was now gray and dusty. I looked at them and told them to clean Chihiro's room anew. Ever since that bug.... problem. Everything has to be spot on and clean. For one; I don't pass out again, and two so that the secretary stops making fun of me. After a while, Chihiro wakes up and judges the room, and he seems happy. "Did Saiki make you do it again" he chuckled looking up at Keiichiro and Madoka.

They seemed too out of it after I was screaming at them. Keiichiro was grabbing a hold of the vacuum trying not to fall over. Madoka already fell over.

After a few days with Chihiro, it's time for me to head home for the weekend. I met Miyako Otori who is head over heels for Keiichiro, and me. I usually take all of Chihiro and his friends to school and back to their houses.

After dropping off the young ones, I walk with Miyako who joins me to walk to school, but of course, we can't have a day without the horrible Teruhashi. "Saiki!" called Teruhashi. Though before I turned to her I gave a letter to Miyako that she opened quickly. As she read in her head.

Okay, so right about now there is a girl called Teruhashi in front of you or near you. Please do me a small favor, I'll give you anything in return anything. Just act like we're dating so she'll go away, please.

After she finished reading she nodded, smiled and blushed. "Hello, I don't think I've met you yet! I'm Kokomi Teruhashi a friend of Saiki's" she says to Miyako sticking out her hand to shake. Miyako also smiles though it's sweeter and shakes her hand. "I'm Miyako Otori, Saiki's girlfriend," she says. All of the color in Teruhashi's face drained. Though Teruhashi looked happy though we both could tell Psychic not she didn't like the idea of me having a 'girlfriend' at all. 'Otori... .? One of the largest companies in Japan. One of the largest companies in the world? How. . . did Saiki get to know a girl like her? She's not perfect or pretty... but she is rich. Huh! Saiki's a Gold-Digger.'

I got tired of Teruhashi standing their blank faces so we left. Miyako smiled "So you owe me a favor." I nodded already knowing where this is going. "Will you. . . maybe actually date me? Please?" I smiled as her face turned red as she covered her face. I brought down her hands and kissed her. Then just to ruin it 9.825 seconds later. I heard cheering from the background. I quickly turned around to see all the idiots I've ever met clapping and cheering. Miyako was even redder than before, off of embarrassment or that I kissed her. Maybe even both.

Even the once homeless street performer was there applauding. I said agreed to date Miyako happily and left. Everyone was behind me asking questions and had comments about Miyako, well Toritsuka said something perverted, so I punched him making him fall back. When I finally got to school I sat down on my seat while everyone was crowding around me and the desk. Then the P.A. system went off for the first time in a while. "Good morning students, today we have gotten some information the Saiki Kusuo got excepted into Ouran Academy, NO HOMEWORK FOR ANYONE THIS WHOLE WEEK" the principle cheered happily that one of his students were actually smart. I was too happy I didn't even care if I was popular or not right now.

After school, I walk to pick up Chihiro. "Hey, Saiki why are you so happy?" Yuuji, Chihiro's friend asked. "Are you finally dating Miyako?" Ryuji asked though I don't even know where he came from. I nodded. Their jaws dropped, "No way really!" They all said in unison, I smiled and nodded. "Though their's another thing, Chihiro, I just got accepted into Ouran." Chihiro smiled, "Really!? Great job" he said. I smiled and ruffled his hair. "Though I'll still come over on the dates I help you with your school and studies."

I walked home with them again dropping them all off again. I went home and told my parents about my girlfriend and Ouran. They were happy and even crying. I went over to Miyako's home and told her. She was also very happy and agreed to come on the tour with me. It's all well. . . well, now it is.

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