What if

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*flash back*

I walk though the door and found my dad home. He wasn't to come home until 4. It was 3. My hand was shaking and I was sweating.

"Hey dad, what are you doing here" there was lump in my neck and you could barely hear me speak. "What the hell are you doing here" his voice raised, "never mind, get on the floor," he yelled at me. I did as told and he started punching me, slapping me. tears formed in my eyes. When he was done abusing me, so I thought, he took out his gun and shot me. I saw a bright light. My life was over.

*end of flashback*

I woke up to find sleeping people in chairs. It was pretty dark in this room, but I turn on one lamp on. I had tubes in my hands, burning in my chest. I was in the hospital. I check the time on the clock, it was 5:11 am in the morning.

I had tears in my eyes. Why? Was all I could ask, the flashback was devastating.

I started thinking what if I really died, would it be better for everyone. Mel wouldn't have a crappy best friend, Indie wouldn't get hurt. Where is indie. Luke and his girlfriend wouldn't been broken up. Ashton would still be the asshole. My mom wouldn't get abuses, or my brother. Everything would be better

What if I died...

What if I didn't exist...

What if...

I passed out, from my thoughts. My hear was racing, I was going to die this time.


YESS AN UPDATE, well anyways my best friends went to a one direction concert, and they are sending tons of beautiful videos/pictures of them, THE FEELS!!

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