Broken Hearted

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"It's hurt..! " You cried, the pain in your stomach start to became unbearable.


After the two of you arrived at the hospital, Jerry quickly run to the receptionist and told them about you. The nurses quickly took you into the emergency ward.

The doctor arrived a minute later, "Mister, please wait outside, ".

Jerry calm himself while sighing, "Please be okay, Y/n, " he said, sitting down outside the emergency ward.

"Jerry? "a feminine voice sounded near him.

He lifted his head up and look at the voice, his eyes widen in shock, so was his trembling heart.

"Mate! " his wolf exclaimed.

"S..Solji? What are you doing here? "He asked, his wolf was in euphoria for meeting their one.

"My grandma is sick and she's been here for a week already. What about you? "She said with a heart wrenching smile.

She sat down next to him but still keeping their distance.

"I...My girlfriend is in the emergency ward, "Jerry said, not sure if what he said is the right thing or not.

"Oh... I see, "She said, still smiling but deep down she's hurting just by hearing the word 'Girlfriend' coming out from her mate's mouth.

A long deep silence filled the hallway they're at.

Jerry broke the silence with a sigh, "I'm sorry, Solji. Just give me time, "he said.

"I know. I'm not angry, "She said, fidgeting her fingers but her eyes got teary.

Jerry rubs her back to calm her, "I know I did many mistakes to you, and I know that I'm selfish. I just... I can't forget her, "

Solji mouth curved into a smile, her eyes turn sparkly because of the tears pooling inside it, "It's okay, we both
hurting, "she said and laugh.

Jerry chuckles, "Silly girl, "he pulls her into a hug and she started to cries.

A few minutes later, the doctor came out and walk toward Jerry.

"Uh... You are..? "

"His boyfriend, "

The doctor nodded, "She is fine, unfortunately the baby is... The baby cannot survive, ".

"What?! " a hoarse voice sounded from the corner.

The three of them look to the voice direction, Jungkook's brows was furrowed and his face darkened. He turned around to look at the girl behind him with madness.

"Jungkook, wait! Don't do harsh thing! "Jerry shouted, running towards Jungkook to stop him.

"You bastard woman! Look at what you have done to my child! Let me go!! "Jungkook grabbed the woman's neck but Jerry quickly grabs him from behind to stop him.

"Calm down! At least Y/n is okay! "

"Don't touch me! "Jungkook shouted to Jerry and struggle to get away from him.

"DON'T YOU WANT TO MEET HER FIRST?! "Jerry said to him, clearly angry that Jungkook can't control his anger and dare to act harshly when you're still inside the emergency ward maybe mourning over the baby.

Jungkook stop his action, he steadied his breathing while calming himself.

The doctor and Solji went silent.

"Can we see her? "Jerry asked.

The doctor nodded, "Yes, but one at a time, ".

The two of them looked at each other, "Me first, "Jungkook said but Jerry disagreed.

"I got something more important to talk to her, " Jerry said.

"No, I need to be beside her, " Jungkook said.

Jerry's jaw tighten, "Listen, this might be the last time I see her. Just let me talk to her even if it's just for a few minutes, ".

Jungkook clench his fist, "Fine, ".

Jerry thanked him and walk inside the room, "Hey there, Y/n, "he said with a smile.

"Jerry, "You said, desperately needed him right now.

He walks towards you and pull you into a hug, you buried your face in his chest and start to cry, "My... my baby is dead, ".

Jerry's chest tighten, "Y/n.., ".

"Hm? "You lifted your head to look at him staring back at you.

"I'm...I"m sorry, "He said.

"What? What are you sorry about? "

"I have a... mate, "

His words hits you hard, your heart shaken and your eyes started to produce more tears, "M-mate? ".

He nodded slowly, "I'm sorry, Y/n. I'll reje- "

You laugh dryly, "I knew it. I'm not deserve to be loved, am I? ".

"No, Y/n. You deserved more than you know, "

"I'm not. I'm just a toy people used until they didn't need me anymore, "

"Y/n, listen to me, you'r- "

"I don't need to hear more, you can leave now, " your heart is shattering, you thought Jerry will be the
one who will stay by your side.

Jerry shut his mouth, "I still love you no matter what, Y/n, "he kiss your forehead before going out.

Your tears start to fall uncontrollably, a sobbing sound come out from your mouth as you cover your eyes. The door was opened again, revealing Jungkook.

You look at him, "Why are you here? "you said in a hoarse voice.

He walks toward you and sit at the nearby chair.

"I'm sorry you had to gone through this, ".

Your tears still won't stop falling, "Why? ".

He stood up and hugs you, "Everything is gonna be okay, ".

" I'm done with everything, Jungkook. I don't deserve anybody, "

Jungkook hugs you tighter.

" Can I get a moment alone? " You said.

Jungkook sighed, "Okay, "then he walks out of the room, leaving you alone.

You let yourself fall back into the bed; sighing, you fell asleep with a broken heart.


Guyyyyyyys! One more chappie and we're done! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and thank you for spending your time to read this story.


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