Run Away

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Jerry smirk at you .

You gulp .

" I was just going out for shopping . " You said .

" Then where's your shopping bags ? " He put down the newspaper and take off his glasses .

" I-I... "

He sigh .

" Sit down . " He said

You sit down at the vacant seat away from Jerry .

He's eyeing every move you make .

" Y/n , I know that we , your mother and I didn't really have time for you and your brother . Moreover , your real parent had divorced . " He sigh .

You stay silent .

" But , you can spend time with Jerry for he was your big brother now . " He smile .

' I'm so freaking sorry for step father and mother , they don't even know what Jerry had done to me . '

You nodded in silent .

" I'll get going now . " You said and stand up .

" Have you get your dinner ? " He said .

" Yes , father . " You said and walk away .

You can hear him sighing .

You walk upstair to your room and lock the door .

The phone that you used to use had been crushed .

" Goodness , no ! " You whisper yell to yourself as you take the broken phone on the table .

( Warning ! Smut ahead ! )

The door was knocked .

" Who's there ? " You said .

There is no answer .

" Who's there ? " You said again and walk to the door .

The door been knocked again .

" Is it you , father ? " You said .

You heard a hum .

You open the door a little bit and saw a grinning Jerry looking at you .

Your eyes widen and you try to close the door again but he was stronger as he push the door open .

You tremble in fear .

" Shh .. Be a good girl , Y/n . You don't want to alert father that we're going to have 'fun' , right ? " He said and close the door behind him .

" W-what do you want , Jerry ?! " You whisper yell .

He look behind you and saw the broken phone .

" Ah .. Now you can't contact that Jimin guy anymore . " He grin .

" Fuck you , Jerry ! "

He walk to you .

" I want to do it too , Y/n ." He touch your hand and you flinch .

He lift you up and throw you to your bed .

" Now , now . Be a good obedient girl like you just did like last time . " He pats your head.

" And I don't like it when you wear other guy cloth . " He rip apart Jimin's cloth .

" Did you happen to wear his underwear too ? " He slide down your pant .

" Ah .. You don't wear any . " He lick his lip .

You push his hand away but he didn't move an inch .

He fondle your breast .

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