When you get new powers and run away and stay away from them to not hurt them

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Nick Burkhardt

You are at the spice shop with Rosalee, Hank, Wu, Monroe, Trubel, and Nick. You have been feeling weird ever since Juliette came to your house. Nick says "Babe you ok?" You say "Yeah i'm fine." Your head starts hurting and you stand up and hold your head. Monroe says "Sis you alright?" Rosalee, Hank, Wu, Trubel, and Nick looks at you and says "Are you ok?" You say "No and you might want to stay away from me. I have been feeling weird ever since Juliette." Monroe says "Sis." Your head gets worse and you knew you were about to Woge into something else. You say "I want you to stay back and please don't kill me and i won't be the same." Monroe and Nick says "What do you mean?" You say "I'm turning into another Wessen." Everyone's eyes widened at what you said. You say "Whatever happens i want you to help me ok?" Everyone nodded. You started to Woge and you turned into a Hexenbiest. Everyone's eyes widen with shock that this is happening. You say "Don't come near me. I don't want to hurt you." Monroe starts walking towards you. You get scared and you use your powers and blast Monroe back. You realized what you did and you turn back to your normal self. You say "Monroe i'm sorry. I need to leave now so i won't hurt you." You run out of the spice shop and you heard Monroe, Nick, and Trubel calling your name. You ignored them and you never turned back and you didn't want to hurt them so you went back to your house and hide. 


You are at the spice shop with Rosalee, Hank, Wu, Monroe, Trubel, and Nick. You have been feeling weird ever since Juliette came to your house. Monroe says "Babe you ok?" You say "Yeah i'm fine." Your head starts hurting and you stand up and hold your head. Nick says "Sis you alright?" Rosalee, Hank, Wu, Trubel, and Monroe look at you and says "Are you ok?" You say "No and you might want to stay away from me. I have been feeling weird ever since Juliette." Nick says "Sis." Your head gets worse and you knew you were about to Woge into something else. You say "I want you to stay back and please don't kill me and i won't be the same." Monroe and Nick says "What do you mean?" You say "I'm turning into another Wessen." Everyone's eyes widened at what you said. You say "Whatever happens i want you to help me ok?" Everyone nodded. You started to Woge and you turned into a Hexenbiest. Everyone's eyes widen with shock that this is happening. You say "Don't come near me. I don't want to hurt you." Nick starts walking towards you. You get scared and you use your powers and blast Nick back. You realized what you did and you turn back into your normal self. You say "Nick i'm sorry. I need to leave now so i won't hurt you." You run out of the spice shop and you heard Nick, Monroe, and Trubel calling your name. You ignored them and you never turned back and you didn't want to hurt them so you went back to your house and hide.

Hank Griffin

You are at the spice shop with Rosalee, Hank, Wu, Monroe, Trubel, and Nick. You have been feeling weird ever since Juliette came to your house. Your head starts hurting and you stand up and hold your head. Nick says "Sis you alright?" Rosalee, Hank, Wu, Trubel, and Monroe look at you and say "Are you ok?" You say "No i don't feel that good. I have been feeling weird ever since Juliette." Nick says "Sis." Your head gets worse and you feel something moving in your skin. Rosalee, Trubel, and Monroe see that happening and their eyes widened and says "Oh no." Wu, Hank, and Nick says "What's wrong?" Rosalee, Trubel, and Monroe says "She is going to be turning into Wessen." You Woge and you turn into a Hexenbiest and everyone's eyes widen. You say "What's happening to me?" Nick starts walking to you slowly and says "You will be ok." You get scared and use your powers and blast Nick back. You realized what you did and you turn back into your normal self. You say "Nick i'm sorry. I need to leave now so i won't hurt you." You run out of the spice shop and you heard Nick, Hank, Monroe, and Trubel calling your name. You ignored them and you never turned back and you didn't want to hurt them so you went back to your house and hide.

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