When you get hurt

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Nick Burkhardt

You are at the house with Nick and Nick was upstairs and you were making dinner. You were making Nick's favorite food for dinner. When you were cutting the stuff for dinner. You accidently cut your hand and you scream and drop the knife and hold your hand. Nick runs down the stairs and runs to the kitchen and says "Babe are you ok?" You say "No." Nick sees your hand and says "Babe can i see your hand?" You say "Yeah you can babe." Nick walks to you and holds your hand gently and looks at your hand and says "Baby you cut yourself. Let me get the bandages and wrap your hand." You say "Ok." You walk to the dining room and sit down. Nick runs up stairs and grabs the first aid kit and runs down the stairs with it. Nick runs to you and sits next to you and grabs your hand gently. Nick grabs out the bandages and starts wrapping your hand. You start crying and say "I'm sorry i wanted to make dinner for you." Nick says "Baby it is ok." Nick finishes wrapping your hand and puts the bandages away. Nick holds your other hand and say "Let's go to sleep baby we don't need to have dinner ok?" You say "Ok." Nick stands up and you stand up and you both walk into your room together. You and Nick get ready for bed and you both lay down at the same time. You snuggle into Nick and Nick snuggles into you. You say "I'm sorry for this happening babe." Nick says "It's ok baby i know you did it by accident." You close your eyes and Nick does too. You and Nick soon fall asleep.


You are outside taking a jog and it was the morning. When you were about to get to the house but you tripped over a rock and you fell and scraped your leg. You were in front of your and Monroe's house and you couldn't get up. Monroe looks out the window and sees you on the ground holding your leg. Monroe starts panicking and he runs up and grabs the first aid kit. Monroe runs outside to you and grabs the bandages and starts wrapping your leg. Monroe says "Are you ok baby?" You say "Yes i'm ok but my leg hurts right now." Monroe finishes wrapping your leg and he picks you up bridal style and brings in the house. Monroe closes the door and carries you into the living room. Monroe sits down on the couch still holding onto you. Monroe says "What happened sweetheart?" You say "I was taking a jog and i tripped over a rock and scraped my knee." Monroe says "Ok and baby i want you to rest ok?" You say "Ok." You and Monroe lay down on the couch together. You and Monroe close your eyes and soon go to sleep.

Hank Griffin

You are in the house and you were cooking Hank's favorite food for dinner. You were cutting the stuff for the food. You accidently cut your hand and drop the knife and grab the first aid kit from the cabinet and go to the kitchen table and sit down. You hear the door open and close. Hank walks into the living room and says "Babe i'm home." You say "I'm in the dining room babe." Hank walks into the dining room and sees your hand bleeding and runs over to you and sits down in a chair and grabs your hand gently. Hank says "What happened baby?" You say "I accidently cut my hand when i was making your food." Hank grabs the bandages and starts wrapping your hand and says "I know you would do by accident and after i finish wrapping your hand we are going to bed ok?" You say "Ok babe." Hank finishes wrapping your hand and you both stand up and walk to your room. You and Hank get ready for bed and lay down at the time. You snuggle into Hank and Hank snuggles into you and puts his arm around you. You and Hank close your eyes and soon go to sleep.

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