When you get to know each other

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Nick Burkhardt

You are at your desk that is next to Nick and Hank's desk. Nick asked "Hey (Y/N) we wanted to get to know you so why do you talk about yourself." You say "Well i was looking for my brother but i haven't seen him in years." Nick says "What's your brother's name?" You say "His name Monroe." Nick says "Wait i think i have saw him before does he have brown wavy hair and brown eyes?" You says "Yes that's him." Nick and Hank says "We have seen him before and actually he is coming here right now." You say "Yay i get to see my brother after these years." Monroe walks in and walks to Nick, Hank, and you. Monroe says "Hey Nick, Hank what's going on?" You stand up and say "Well hello brother." Monroe says "(Y/N)?" You nodded and you hug him and he hugs you back. Monroe says "I'm glad to see you sis." You say "I'm glad to see you too brother." Nick says "We just asked your sister about her and the first she says is about you." You say "Yes i would because he is my twin brother." Nick and Hank says "We didn't know you guys were twins." Monroe says "Yeah we are twins." You and Monroe pull away from the hug. You go back to your desk and sit back down and gets back to work.


You are in his house sitting on his couch talking to Monroe. You then hear a knock on Monroe's door. Monroe gets up and walks up to the door and opens it and let's the guy inside the house. Monroe walks into the room with the guy. Monroe says "Hey (Y/N) this Nick Burkhardt." You shouted out "Burkhardt?" Monroe says "Yeah you have a problem about it." You say "My last name is Burkhardt." Nick says "Wait sis is that you?" You nodded. Nick runs over to you and hugs you and you hug him back. You say "Good to see you brother." Nick says "Good to see you too sis." Monroe says "Let me guys guess you guys are twins." You and Nick says "Yes we are twins." Nick says "So sis how did you meet Monroe?" You say "I was sitting on the porch of my house and i was lonely you know." Nick says "Yeah you didn't have any friends at the time." You says "Yeah and Monroe is my first friend right now." Nick says "That's good sis." You and Nick pull away from the hug. You say "Monroe i see my brother might need your help so i will get going for now ok?" Monroe says "That's ok (Y/N) i will see you later." You hug Monroe and say "I will see ya." Monroe hugs you back and says "See ya." You and Monroe pull away from the hug. You say "Bye Nick." Nick says "Bye sis." You open the door and walk out and close the door behind you and you walk to your house and get into the house.

Hank Griffin

You are at the police station and you are just want to see your brother. Hank asks "Do you have any family you can contact?" You say "I only have a brother and his name is Nick." Hank says "What's your last name?" You say "Burkhardt." Hank says "Hang on. Hey Nick!" Nick walks into the room and say "What's up Hank?" Hank says "Do you have a sister?" Nick says "Yes i have a sister but i haven't seen her." Hank says "Well say hi to your sister." You look at Nick and say "Hey big brother." Nick runs to you and hugs you and you hug him back. Nick says "It's so good to see you sis." You say "Me too big brother." Nick says "Hey Hank this is actually my twin and she calls me big brother because i'm taller than her." Hank says "Ok good to know." You and Nick pull away from the hug. You say "So i will be working with you and Hank so big brother we will be working together." Nick says "Awesome sis i can't wait till you work with us." You say "I know we haven't seen each other in so long." Nick says "I know sis." You say "I need to go home right after this that just happened." Nick says "Yeah i will see ya sis." You says "See ya big brother." You walk out of the police station and walk home and you got home safe.

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