Chapter 12 _ Gaining Control

Start from the beginning

She searched her memory for everything she had ever learned about Terrafein policy and politics. 

"Illegitimacy." Gwen hadn't meant to say the word allowed, but the man in front of her nodded anyway.

Flint Jenkins was the illegitimate son of some member of Terrafein Society, but that wasn't all. He couldn't just be any bastard son of a nobleman to be allowed into the Royal Guard. He had to be a potential heir, someone's only son. 

Silence enveloped them, but it wasn't comforting. 

Gwen's mind refused to give her control over the ability to speak. She wanted to say something, to help ease the tension, but she struggled. She didn't want to pity him. He didn't require her pity. Flint Jenkins had made himself a viable asset to not only his King, but the whole of Terrafeuw, the moment he had been accepted as a First.

For a while neither of them looked at the other.

"Thank you, Flint." Gwen finally managed. "You didn't have to confide such information with me." She ran her fingers through her hair and tried to release some of the tension that had coursed through her that night.

The guard before her let out a large sigh, "You were ordered, to gain King Griggory's favor?" His question reminded her of her outburst earlier.

Gwenwyn debated on whether or not to deny the earlier statement. Her upbringing demanded her secrecy. Her father had expressed the possibilities of war if she failed. She couldn't allow herself to be the reason for fighting between the two kingdoms.

But in that moment, on the overhang, in the middle of the night, Gwen didn't want to lie to him. She couldn't guess what was going on in his head, or what possessed him to tell her about his position. Still, something about his confession enticed her to also tell the truth, she could only hope that he'd wouldn't reveal the information to another.

"My sole purpose in traveling to Terrafeuw, was to gain the King's consideration as his next potential spouse." She confessed, her voice adapting its formal rhythms. 

"An alliance between the two kingdoms." He stated with only the slightest hint of bitterness.

Gwenwyn nodded her head. "King Heralf desires the trade routes."

"So then this conversation must remain a secret. I suppose that means you only came here tonight to ensure that I keep silent about your escapades during the last few weeks." The bitterness in his voice became evident. 

His words stung, but they weren't untrue. It wasn't the main reason that she had traveled to the overhang, but it was the reason she that had convinced herself of earlier. Gwen herself couldn't yet comprehend the exact purpose of her presence there that night. 

Still, she nodded.

Whatever the actual reason was, she nodded. 

Even as a great pain sliced through the center of her being, she nodded and accepted his accusations.

His face sank into a mask of hard lines that Gwen, herself, was personally familiar with. Whatever emotions coursed though him at that moment, he forced himself to hide them.

"Would it be accurate of me to presume that you detest me now?" She wondered, hating herself.

"Do not ask questions, Highness, if you do not wish to hear the answers." He stated behind clenched teeth.

Through a strength that she was unaware she possessed, Gwen managed to keep the tears from her eyes, and although it was still night, she composed herself enough to force her body back into the posture of the Rramnon Princess that she was during the day. 

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