Chapter 20 Victory party

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(Soundtrack vangelis - conquest of paradise)

The Z fighters all looked to the sky as Gohan stopped firing his energy attack.

"Did we...did we win?" Chi said looking up.

"I hope so..." Cold said back to him.

Piccolo closed his eyes and began to try and sense Cell's presence.

" he still around Piccolo?" Krillin asked him.

Piccolo shook his head "no...there isn't a trace of him left."

"Really you mean we are safe again?" Yamcha said hopefully.

Piccolo nodded his head in response.

"Man it's been awhile since I've heard someone say that." Tien said to them.

Gohan slowly fell to the ground exhausted as the other Z fighters ran up to congratulate him.

Chi looked down at android 18 and Future Trunks "you know I know they trusted me to watch those two far can a dead guy and a slimy unconscious android get?"

"Alright Gohan did it he beat Cell!" Master Roshi said surprised.

"Man who would have ever thought that kid would turn out to be so strong...he sure has grown up a lot...he isn't the same kid who I went to Namek with that's for sure." Bulma said with a smile.

"My little Gohan did it!" Chichi cheered.

"Man would you stop with the kid remarks...last time I checked Gohan was the size of a full grown adult and has a girlfriend." Oolong said rolling his eyes.

"Hey Gohan will always be my little boy no matter how old he gets! And besides girlfriends come and go but mothers are forever!" Chichi yelled back at him.

"Alright, alright calm down...jeese is she more testy than normal." Oolong said.

"You did good kid...we are all proud of you..." Piccolo said with a smile looking down at Gohan.

Gohan slowly started to sit up "thanks...guys..."

"Look at him I guess saving the world takes its toll on you huh?" Yamcha said with a smirk.

"Not that you would know." Tien said busting his balls.

"Hey I helped out a little!" Yamcha said trying to defend himself as everyone laughed.

"Hey what do you say we get back to the lookout and get your injuries fixed up?" Piccolo said to him.

Gohan nodded his head as he let Piccolo help him up.

"Right I'll go and get Trunks." Yamcha said flying over to where he was.

"And I'll go get 18..." Krillin said nervously.

"What?!" everyone said.

"Well...she is a victim of Cell and...we might as well bring her along..." Krillin said running to get her before anyone questioned his judgment.

"Hey Tien can you take Gohan for me, I will catch up with you guys soon I just need to take care of something." Piccolo yelled at him.

"Sure no problem...come on buddy." Tien said wrapping Gohan's arm around him as he took off with the others.

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