Chapter 8 Recovering from defeat

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(Soundtrack: No easy way out - Robert Tepper)

Krillin rushed down to the bottom of the canyon to help the others quickly pulling out the bag of sensu beans that Yajirobi had given that morning. After about 2 minutes of passing out the beans, every one was fully healed.

"So, you're telling me that the Androids refused to fight you so you could heal all of us?" Future-Gohan asked holding on to his robotic arm which was damaged in the fight.

"Yeah and the weird thing is, when I told them that Goku was sick, they said they'd allow him a week to recover.

"This is weird. These Androids are a lot less cruel than the ones in our time." Future-Trunks said.

"So I noticed on the highway." Vegeta said as the others looked at him for clarification. "The female Android had a clear shot at me. All it would have taken was putting innocent people in danger. But she refused to." He explained.

"So their less malicious than ours. That's the good news." Future-Gohan stated.

"Okay. Afraid to ask here. But what's the bad news?"Ji asked as Future-Trunk's face darkened slightly.

"They're about 3 times stronger." The swordsman stated getting worried looks from the others.

"So what do we do now?" Tien asked no one in particular.

"I don't know. Even if my Dad was back to full strength, I don't know if he'd be able to beat any of them." Future-Gohan said as Vegeta got a pondering look on his face.

"Not as a Super Saiyan. But maybe..." Vegeta trailed off as he got looks from the others.

"I'm going to find a way to go beyond Super Saiyan." Vegeta said simply.

"Beyond Super Saiyan? Is that even possible?" Krillin asked looking wide-eyed.

"I don't know but Goku will likely agree about this." Piccolo said. "I'll tell him about this when he gets to the lookout."

"Alright, I'll go meet up with my past self and help get Dad to the look out." Future-Gohan said before turning to Future-Trunks. "Think you can have Bulma fix this for me?" He asked throwing his robotic arm to the sword weilder.

"Sure thing." Future-Trunks said as he, Vegeta, Chi and Ji headed for West City.

"I'm going to Kame House to get Chiaotzu and do a little more training." Tien said as he flew off.

"Okay, I guess I'll go with you to get Goku." Krillin said to Future-Gohan.

"Alright, I'll meet you 2 at the Lookout." Piccolo said as the 3 split up.

Alright, I'll go meet up with my past self and help get Dad to the look out." Future-Gohan said before turning to Future-Trunks. "Think you can have Bulma fix this for me?" He asked throwing his robotic arm to the sword weilder.

"Sure thing." Future-Trunks said as he, Vegeta, Tarble and Frost headed for West City.

"I'm going to Kame House to get Chiaotzu and do a little more training." Tien said as he flew off.

"Okay, I guess I'll go with you to get Goku." Krillin said to Future-Gohan.

"Alright, I'll meet you 2 at the Lookout." Piccolo said as the 3 split up.

A few minutes after departing Future-Gohan and Krillin had caught up with Gohan.

"So I take it the fight didn't well." Gohan said to his future counterpart.

"It went better than you might think. They let us all live and gave Dad a full week to recover." Future-Gohan explained.

"Vegeta also has it set in him that the best way to beat them is to beyond Super Saiyan. But I don't even know if it's possible."

"Well, they gave us a week to find out. That should be enough time." Gohan said with confidence.

"What do you mean?" Future-Gohan asked.

"I'll explain later." Gohan said as the 3 of them were approaching the house.

The 3 of them then went inside as Chi Chi ran in to the hallway to see Gohan and ran to hug him.

"Gohan, are you okay?" Chi Chi asked inher usual motherly worry.

"I'm fine Mom. I didn't even fight. Bulma and Trunks showed up and I had to get them home while Future-Me and Future-Trunks picked up the slack.

"Future you?" Chi Chi asked before looking up to see Future-Gohan. She then stood up and looked at the nub where his robot arm usually was. "I guess even in the future, I can't keep you from rushing in to danger." She said choking up a little.

"Oh come on Mom. That ship sailed a long time ago." Future-Gohan said with a chuckle.
"we need to get Dad to the Lookout. Then, once he's back on his feet we can work on going beyond Super Saiyan."

"Oh right. Mom we need to load up Dad in the plane and we need to head off to the Lookout." Future-Gohan said.

Soon after, everyone was out side the Son house with the still sleeping Goku loaded in the plane with Chi Chi right next to him. "Alright, let's go." Gohan said as everyone else went in to the plane and took off for the Lookout.

Meanwhile, Piccolo had just arrived at the Lookout. Upon reaching he was greeted by mr. Popo and a very distressed looking Kami.

"You look troubled." Piccolo said walking up behind the guardian.

"I feel a great darkness has just come forth." Kami said not even bothering to turn around.

"I'm not so sure. I felt like the Androids could be reasoned with." Piccolo argued.

"No, not the Androids." Kami said as the clouds beneath them began to darken. "I feel a much greater evil will soon make it self known." He said as lightning flashed beneath them.

Two back in timeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें