Chapter 7 20 loses his head

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Future Gohan began to think to himself about how he should address this situation. He could feel a decent sum of multiple power levels heading in a certain direction together, 'That's got to be some of dad's friends.. maybe he's with them,' he thought. He could sense one person heading in a completely opposite direction, I'm not positive who that guy is.. I would worry that it's an android, but I don't remember being able to sense their ki back in my timeline... Still, better safe than sorry. I better check it out, whatever it is.

He and Trunks jumped into the air and began to follow the unidentified power level that was rushing toward the direction of the Kame House. Within a few moments, they was caught up with Gohan's younger, present timeline counterpart.

"Hey! You're that guy from a few years ago! What are you doing here?" Present Gohan asked eagerly. He didn't confess it, but he was a little lonely and scared having to fly all by himself in a dangerous time like this.

"Oh.. I'm relieved it's just you. Where are you heading?"

"I'm gonna go check on my dad. He was fighting one of the androids but then that heart virus started to hit him pretty hard.. Yamcha was supposed to take him back there."

"How did you guys do against the androids?"

"Dad put up a really good fight against the fat one. He would have won if it weren't for the virus, I think. Vegeta came in and finished him off for us, though."

"The fat one? What are you talking about?"

"There was this fat and pale one who was ordered around by this old guy. The others are out looking for the old guy right now, since he ran away."

"Gah! Those aren't the two androids I remember!" Trunks said as he became incredibly worried. What else has changed in this timeline?

"Oh no! So there are others?"

"I'm not sure... All I know is that the ones from my timeline weren't the same ones you guys saw... Luckily, the ones from my timeline aren't going to come around here... If they do, then we've got a lot to worry about."

The two Gohans and Trunks continued their trip to the Kame House. Future Gohan tried not to worry himself with this too much before having at least talked to everyone once again and getting the full story, however he couldn't help but wonder what all was different in this timeline.

Within some time they arrived at the Kame House, and were greeted Yamcha, who met them at the door.

"I could feel you all coming," Yamcha said. He looked over at Future Gohan and Trunks, "So you two back, I see.. Why don't you all come in? We've got some stuff to fill you all in on."

Gohan ran in past Yamcha, "Dad! Are you alright?"

Goku lifted his head up from the pillow he was using to rest his head on, "Heheh.. Yeah, I'm fine, son..." Although he was incredibly tired and needed to sleep, he noticed Future Gohan and Trunks standing next to everyone, towering above all of them with his height, "Nice to see you two again. You came at the perfect time."

"I heard you gave that tubby android a run for his money," Gohan congratulated.

"Yeah.. He was pretty good, but I would've had him if it weren't for the heart virus. I finally got around to taking some of that medicine you gave me, though. It didn't taste as good as I was hoping, but I'm feeling a little better, so that's a plus."

"Hahaha, yeah.. Glad to hear that much. So Yamcha said that there was some news I needed to hear.."

Bulma ran into the room, "Oh! It's you! I knew I wouldn't ever forget that voice!" She gave Future Gohan a large hug.

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