Chapter 3 Holding out for a hero

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Present time,

"So this is earth?" Freeza said as he stepped out of his space ship, "Nice place, maybe I can make it a vacation spot once all of the inhabitants are dead."

Freeza's father, King Cold exited the spaceship behind him. "So where is the Super Saiyan that you mentioned? I'm not going to believe it until I see it."

"This is his homeworld father." said Freeza, "He's got to be here somewhere."

About 2 minutes later, the time machine appeared.

The hatch opened up and Future Gohan and Trunks leap out of the machine and onto the dirt ground.

"So this is the place where your father is supposed to land?" asked Trunks, "Ah, I sense a powerful energy from here."

"Freeza must be here already." said Gohan.

"We can take him on easily." said Trunks, "After all we both made the Super Saiyan transformation."

"Of course," said Gohan, " if we stop him now we can stop him from harming anyone else until father gets here."

Back at the spaceship...

"Well, if it isn't the little brat." said Freeza looking at little Gohan, "I thought maybe you would have had enough action after what happened on Namek."

Little Gohan and the other Z fighters had arrived by that time.

"So you had to bring your father and his goons!" said Gohan. "Are you to scared to fight us alone?"

"Same old brat." Said Freeza, "Like any monkey you love just bragg about your power. Well I'm going to put an end to that like power fanasty on yours."

Freeza pointed his index finger at Gohan.

"Now I will never have to hear you bost about your strength again! Death beam!"

(Soundtrack: bonnie tyler i need a hero)

A golden beam fired from Freeza's finger and Gohan back in terror. It seemed that Gohan was a goner.

Suddenly, a mysterious fighter appeared out of nowhere.

Holding out with seem to be a robotic arm, the absorbed the death beam easily.

"Why don't you pick on somebody your own size?" said the fighter.

"What?" said Gohan, who was this mysterious fighter? He was wearing an orange gi very similar to the one his father wore, except that the fighter's gi did not have the symbol of king kai on his back; instead it had a symbol very similar to the one that Gohan wore on his clothes when he was a baby.

"Is that father's power pole he's wearing on his back?"

Just then, another fighter appeared. He wore a blue jacket with dark pants and a sword on his back.

"Are you alright?" Said the second fighter as he helped Gohan up to his feet.

"Yes, but who are you?" asked Gohan.

"My name is Trunks, we're from the future."

"The future?" Gohan gasped.

"Yes" said the first fighter, "but we shouldn't tell you too much. It might change the future. Just take it easy and let us deal with these bullies."

Just before the first fighter turned around to face Freeza, Gohan got a good look at his face. 'Is it possible?' he thought, 'He is me?'

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