Chapter 15 Cell absorbs 17

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(Soundtrack Killer Dwarfs - We stand alone)

"Even having merged with Kami, he was still no match for me, all powered up." Cell snorted and turned his attention to Android 17. "Sorry to keep you waiting. You will cease all your useless resistance. Since you're going to be absorbed anyway, there will be no pained feelings. I will be taking you very shortly." He told Android 18.

"If you're coming at me, then come on!" Android 17 growled at the charging Cell. "Useless resistance, you say?" and charged at Cell. "I won't be had so easily. You monstrous punk!" he leapt into the air and crashed into Cell, only to have the green Android dodge the attack and jump onto him from the air. Android 17 backed off from the pending assault. "You expect me to let you absorb me?" he dodged Cell's tail whip.

Cell ignored him and the two combatants took the battle to the air, resulting in Android 17 being smacked away by Cell's tail.

Pulling a stop, Android 17 was then alerted by Cell's presence in front of him, the male Android forced to dodge another series of tail jabs.

This is bad. Tien thought as he watched the battle. The difference in their power is too great.

Android 17 was thrown back to the ground as Cell continued his relentless pummel on his victim.

"What's wrong?" Cell taunted the severely injured Android. "I thought you weren't going to be had so easily, right? This is why I told you to cease your useless resistance."

"It certainly appears that I'd be better off running away." Android 18 admitted.

"Yeah, that's right." Android 16 agreed. "Escape by yourself. If you and No. 17 are absorbed, that's when the end comes. For the world, that is."

"What are you going to do?" Android 18 asked.

"I'm going to destroy Cell." Android 16 replied. "The time for me to fight has come, even before encountering Goku."

"What are you going to do, No. 16?" Android 18 shouted. "Stop, you'll be killed."

"You guys are good folks." Android 16 told her. "You didn't take the lives of either humans or animals for the fun of it. I enjoyed traveling together with you."

"What does he think he's doing?" Tien wondered as Android 16 entered the battle. "Is he thinking of fighting with Cell?"

"Looks as though you don't even have the power to get up." Cell snorted. "Isn't it about time you let me absorb you?"

"Let me go, you ugly monstrous freak!" Android 17 demanded when Cell picked him up. "Just looking at that squashed bug-looking face of yours makes me want to puke."

"Babble all you want." Cell shrugged. "You're about to become one with this 'monstrous freak'."

"Dammit!" Android 17 struggled against Cell's grip.

Silencing the resistant Android with a punch on the back, Cell then struck out his elongated tail, the tip widening to take in Android 17. "And now, I will have you."

"Damn you monster!" Android 17 was trying to push the widened tail off of him.

Resting a hand on Cell's shoulder, Android 16 caught the green Android's attention and sent him flying off with a punch across the face.

"So, another reckless fool appears, huh?" Cell remarked, having been forced to drop Android 17.

"What are you doing, No. 16?" Android 17 asked. "Don't tell me you intend to fight?"

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