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Jesse grumbled as he marched through Waterfall alone. Ever since Monster Kid appeared with his buddy of a rabbid, he has been getting frustrated by the others, who were being distracted by him. He just couldn't comprehend the number of peers he had now and their behaviors at the moment. It's not like he was going to get to Hotland in order to find Alphys himself. He just needed some time for himself is all.

As he walked, his mind began to wander to the rest of the group. Of all of them, he did find Keith a mysterious one, even more mysterious than Petra was. Sure, he was Papyrus' guest when he and the others first met him, but he wanted to get to know him more like he knows the rest of the heroes. He couldn't tell if he and Cuphead were already sharing a friendship since he told the Paladin everything before he and the others could. Maybe he would ask him later when he calms down and reunited with the others again.

Stopping at his tracks, Jesse placed his hands on his hips so he can take a deep breath. Once he let it out, he looked around at his dark blue environment, admiring the light of the Echo Flowers, as Frisk called the flowers on the ground that gave off a bright blue. 

"I think I walked far enough." He said to himself. "Time to go back."

But before he could go back, something hard struck him in the head, knocking him to the ground and rendering him unconscious.


With a groan, Jesse slowly opened his eyes, only to find his vision blurry. Blinking only once, his vision finally cleared up, finding himself in what seemed to be a small wooden building. He was about to get up, but he quickly realized something was holding him. He didn't know what it was until he looked down at his body. His green eyes widen, for he found himself tied to a chair with rope surrounding his chest, arms and ankles. With a grunt, he began to struggle his way out, but the rope was too tight.

"It's about time you woke up." A female voice suddenly got his ears.

When Jesse looked in front of himself, he found himself staring at an unfamiliar face at the other side of the building. A young girl, possibly eighteen, with long pitch black hair that reached her back wearing a white long tailed coat, a black crop top with diamond-shaped holes above the chest, black pants held with a belt and long black boots that reached her knees. The girl had one distinct feature: a set of black cat ears. She was even tied to a chair like him.

"Hi." The cat-eared girl said. "I'm Blake."

"Jesse." Jesse replied, his green eyes still wide at the girl.

"Don't tell me." The girl known as Blake gave him a stoic expression. "You've never seen a Faunus before?"

"Nope." He shook his head.

"I figured." She rolled her golden eyes.

"Where are we?" Jesse began to looked around the small building.

"Just some wooden cabin in Waterfall. We've been kidnapped."

"Kidnapped?!" He exclaimed. "By who?!"

"Just some evil androids who suddenly thought it would be funny to hold random people captive. Both of us are the only ones here."

"And how are you so mellow about this?" Jesse raised an eyebrow at her.

"I was lonely until you showed up." Blake shrugged.

"And how long was I out?"

"At least an hour."

The brunette's eyes widen again. "I have to get out of here! My friends are probably worried about me! I need my stuff so I can escape!"

"That won't be possible." Blake cocked her head to the right.

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