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After the group's encounter with the giant wolf, they all followed Dipper to what seemed to be an old shack that was also a merchandise store. According to Dipper, it was called the Mystery Shack, which was originally owned by his great uncle Stan, who later passed it on to one of his employees after a previous cataclysmic event that almost tore the world apart. It was also changed to a giant robot during that event. It didn't take long for any of them to quickly walk into the shack before more of those wolf creatures could attack them.

After Dipper slammed the door behind him, he locked it before carefully looking out one of the windows for more wolf beasts. As he did so, the group looked around at their new surroundings, gluing their gaze at one exhibit of the shack to another.

"Golly, look at this stuff." Cuphead said, looking at a rock that almost resembled someone's face. "This thing reminds me of that one statue in the basement of my home back at my world."

Dipper looked back at the others before noticing Cuphead, who was about to touch the face-looking rock. "Hey, keep your hands off that!" He yelled. "That thing could be very fragile!"

In response, the cup-headed boy glared at Dipper with his arms crossed. While he wasn't looking, he poked the rock with his finger.

"Uh..." Rainbow raised an eyebrow at a strange looking totem that seemed to look like it was poorly chiseled. "Was this supposed to creep people out or was it supposed to look menacing?"

"Who knows?" Dipper replied, closing a set of curtains on one window.

Suddenly, the group heard footsteps come in and they all turned to a doorway. What came out of it was a man in blue and white striped shorts and a white tank top. On his face was a pair of square glasses and in his right hand was a mug and his feet were inside red slippers. Once he saw everyone in the room, he spat out what seemed to be milk and his eyes grew wide. He screamed and ran to Dipper before slipping on brass knuckles on his left hand and pointing his fist at the group.

"Stay back!" The man yelled. "I'm warning you!"

"Grunkle Stan, what are you doing?!" Dipper yelled.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm protecting you from these monsters that are infiltrating my house!"

"Monsters?!" Rainbow yelled.

"Sir, please." Jesse said. "We mean you no harm. That kid over there-"

"Shut your trap! All of you!" The man yelled and looked at Mario. "Even you, fatso!"

"Hey!" Mario yelled, offended.

"Aw, come on!" Cuphead yelled. "You got a problem with people with cups for heads, huh?"

"Shut up!" The man yelled. "You look like something out of a cartoon from the 1930's!"

He was silent, but said, "Touche..."

"Stan!" A voice yelled from another room.

Everyone turned to find another man with the same square glasses. He was standing in a gray turtleneck sweater under a dark gray trench coat with tan pants and black shoes. The other man looked at the first man, then looked at Dipper, then looked at the group.

"Stanley, what are you doing?!" The other man yelled.

"What do you think?!" The man known as Stanley, or Stan, replied. "Protecting Dipper from these freaks, of course!"

The other man raised an eyebrow before turning to the group, each of them with wide eyes on their faces. "Stan, please. They probably fell from that vortex that suddenly appeared in the sky or something."

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