More Than A Friend

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Previously on Rise Up!, we have left Provisional License. Everyone has finished the test. Some happy with there results, others not so much. Though little did we know there was one who changed the game all along.


Shouto's P. O. V.

After a long day and a satisfying shower, I walked through the door, into my room. Laying my mat and thick covers on the tatami, I plopped down on the soft goodness after I dried my hair. Suddenly, I felt a vibration beside me. I turned my head to see my phone. Picking it up, I read,

< Daigo✴: Hey Bro. I really need to talk to you. Meet me at the Feng Shui Dojo when you have the chance. >

I sighed, though I actually wanted to know what he needed. So, I quickly got dressed in a simple t-shirt, jacket, and pants. I then walked out of Heights Alliance on the way to the taekwondo dojo.

The moment I entered Daigo's "sacred ground", there he was in his hyper state. Punch after punch, kick after kick. Daigo really showed the dummy no mercy. For a good moment, I stood there astonished without him even knowing. His drive reminded me of how we were before UA. Besides his mom, I was his main supporter for his tournaments and stuff like that. It was always him and I. No one else.

But now, things have changed. He has Bakugou, and I have Momo. We don't hang out as much as we used to, especially with all that has happened lately. Still, it doesn't change how I feel about him.

Daigo is and will always be my best friend.

I love him and will be there for him, whenever he needs me.

No matter what.

Suddenly, I spotted Daigo putting a bottle of water on top of the freestanding punching bag. Standing in his fighting stance, he closed his eyes. Soon his eyes shot and he went for the kill. Daigo kicked the punching which launched the bottle in the air. At the right time, he kicked that bottle with a spinning heel kick in my direction. Easily, I caught it within the palm of my hand.

"Great Catch," My brother said. "Thanks for coming."

"No problem." I stoically replied. I would've hugged Daigo but he was all too sweaty. "What did you need?"

"We're going out."

"Woah. Wait, what?" I surprisingly asked. He just playfully winked, gave a thumbs up, and headed for the locker room.

"Just give me a minute. Cool?"


Daigo's P. O. V.

I left my heterochromatic brother baffled for that moment as I went into the locker room to shower and change. I tried my best to go as quick as possible since I didn't want him to wait that long. To me, that's kind of rude, ya know?

I finished my quick shower and got dressed. Looked in the mirror, and made sure everything looked right.

Seeing my best friend only made me laugh, which kind of made him upset.

"Care to explain?" He asked.

"How can I say this?" I said. "I'll just say it, ok? I miss you." His eyes widened. I just smiled at him softly. "I've been thinking lately. We haven't been around each other as much as we used to. I miss that. So, I figured why not surprise you with a 'Brothers Night Out'. No Bakugou. No Momo. No class. Just you and me."

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