{Bonus Chapter} Meet the Bakugous

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Today was the day. After so long, we were finally going on a date and I couldn't wait. The great thing about this, it was normal. No villains to deal with, no major school matters; just a great day with my handsome hothead.

"Are you ready today?" Nana asked. I asked her to join me in my room to search for the perfect outfit to wear. Thanks to her, I ended up wearing a grey t-shirt, black skinny jeans. and maroon high-top Vans. Nana had me wrap a red and black flannel around my waist and slick my hair back with a hairband. She also made me add a few touches to give off, and I quote, a "sexy geek look". I wore my glasses and a shark tooth charm necklace.

"You bet." I smiled as I looked in the mirror, making sure that I was in tip-top shape. Katsuki deserves nothing but the best and that's what I want to give him. "I can't wait to see what he has in store for us."

Nana giggled. I felt I was set, excited, and ready to head out the door. Speaking of which, right on cue, we heard a knock at the door and I instantly smiled. I opened the door to none other you know who, of course.

His eyes slightly widened, but quickly looked away with a flushed face. Nana sat behind laughing to herself.

"Aww, that was so adorable, Bakugou." She said. That mildly triggered the ash blonde as that peeved quickly appeared.

"Shut up, Ojou!!" He yelled.

"It's alright to admit the obvious. You are deeply infatuated with him. It's okay." She smiled. "Now, go enjoy wherever you are going, okay? Go. Go. Go."

Before both of us could answer, Nana pushed us out of my room. She exited herself, closing the door behind her. I stopped and noticed, Katsuki was holding his hand out to me.

"You look great, Daigo." The flustered face returned. Only this time, he smiled a little. The lightning girl stood on the sidelines was fangirling yet looking like a proud mother about to shed a few tears.

"Thanks." I gladly took his hand. "So do you, Katsuki."

We walked to the elevator hand-in-hand as Nana waved us off, heading back to her room. Once we made it in the elevator with the door sliding closed, the explosive hothead decided still a kiss. I looked at him only to see a smirk on his face, now making me glow a tint of red on my cheeks.

Eventually, we got off the elevator, got out the door, and caught a ride in a cab.

I was so excited about this. Like really excited but...

Katsuki wasn't. Or he didn't seem too thrilled. He just looked out of the window, daydreaming.

"Uh... Katsuki?" I reluctantly asked. "Is everything alright?"

"Huh?" He snapped out of his thoughts. " Yea. We're almost there."

Were we really? Now, I looked out of the window. All I saw was a bunch of houses. We were in the suburbs.

Soon, I started to put the pieces together. We're deep in a neighborhood, and Katsuki doesn't seem too upbeat about this. Were we...

No, it couldn't be.

"We're here." The taxi driver hit the brakes. Katsuki got out of the car in front of this decent size house after paying the cab driver. Now, I was really questioning if I wanted to get out of the car or not.

Slowly and stiffly, I got out.

"You ready?" He sighed and asked.

"No!!" I yelled. "Don't you think it's too soon to meet your parents?!"

"Do you really think I want you to meet them right now? I promised my mom, alright?"

"Real--" I was cut off by Katsuki's phone in my face, showing the texts he had with his mother.

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